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*WANTED* Hunting Partner/s

Discussion in 'WANTED' started by 2Pointer, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. 2Pointer

    2Pointer Weekend Warrior

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Looking for a bowhunter or hunters to hunt with in southern Maryland (Calvert or AA county). I’m tired of trying to find private land to hunt on. Its hard work when you’re not from around here and it’s even tougher when they don’t make a plat book for this state. So, if you live in Southern MD and would like someone to share the work of scouting and putting up sets, and maybe bring something new to the bowhunting table, then I’m your guy. I am originally from Wisconsin and the wife made a comment on how much money was spent this year on hunting and driving to my ole stomping grounds to hunt. So I thought I would try a new approach and find someone to hunt with here. The guys I work with don’t hunt or do, but only talk about it. I’m fairly quiet and work pretty hard to find good deer. I don’t have any property to hunt on besides public and only really hunt for antlered deer. But I do love to shoot deer. Again, so if you would like having an extra set of eyes in the woods I would really appreciate it.
  2. brucelanthier

    brucelanthier Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Southern MD
    I hunt public about 95% of the time down here in Charles Co. There is quite a bit down here and it doesn't get bowhunted much. Right now it's kind of ate up from the past 2 weeks of firearms but it will settle down again soon although late ML starts next weekend but that isn't too bad.

    With all of that said I have seen some nice bucks this year and, if you have the time and energy, I'll show you where. I put in a lot of time scouting and have some new spots in mind for next year. Should end up with 3000+ acres to choose from. Shoot me a PM with a name and a phone number and I'll give you a call, we can get together and you can decide if what's going on down my way works out for you.

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