I don't think you're crazy at all. Tons of awesome bows out there now, gently used, and you don't have to pay a premium for an awesome bow.
I agree, however, after paying the price I paid another $550 to get everything new on it. I don’t care, I love the way it shoots, and it’s not top-heavy to me like the new Matthews are. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Try the Revex line of prime bows, much better than inline. I agree, we’re spoiled with a ton of great bows to pick from.
I like to tinker and try a lot of bows. a lot have came and went, but one I’m keeping is the Hoyt RX7U. Just love that thing and I can flat out just shoot it. Hope to break it in on a deer soon!
I havent decided yet to pull a trigger. I will try the revex and i also want to try the elite era and a couple other carbon bows.
I have to agree with you on the hoyt grip. It's actually what sold me on my first Hoyt (Helix) along with the draw cycle. Not that I'm biased (cough, ehem) or anything.
How much did you drop if you dont mind me asking? This bow is on the top of my list as far as interest goes after hearing reviews.
To much! I think it was 1699 plus tax, But it’s one of those bows that I can shoot well so it’s worth it to me.
I finally set my Phase4 29 up last week and got it partially paper tuned. I need to clean up a very slight nock-high tear and then take it outside to do a walk back tune on it. I'll probably get that done this weekend since my evenings are full of carting children around to various sporting activities.
Im headed back up to the shop this evening. I need to shoot the mathews elite hoyt and prime all over again. After replaying it in my head i cant get over how smooth the phase 4 was. If i could just get over that top heavy feel to it. It was also the quietest i believe. The prime was quiet too though. Geez. Decisions decisions
I just setup my Phase4 29 and so far I love it. I need to finish paper tuning it this week and then get outside and start sighting it in. I put a UV grip on it and man that thing is nice. I'm not sure if I like it more than shooting side plates, but it's pretty close. Time will tell if it makes a difference or not.