Holt, I hate to bring this up, but keep an eye on your strings/cables where they make the tight turns at both cams. There's been quite a few SS34 owners saying they're seeing serving separation at those spots, many within the first couple hundred shots with the factory strings. Just keep an eye on them to ensure you don't have one come apart on you if it happens on your bow and you don't catch it in time. Some aren't having a problem, so I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you observe it happening on yours. But keep an eye out for it.
I will keep a look out. I'm getting close to 100 shoots on it now, so hopefully it will show up soon if it does at all. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I bought mine the end of last year. I had the money to get anything I wanted. After shooting about eight different brands. I ended up buying the Hoyt Torrex XT. I could not tell enough difference in the Torrex XT and the top of the line bows so I didn’t just spend money to spend it. I bought a better rest and sight for the bow than I normally would with the extra money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Here it is, 3 shots to get it bare shaft tuned. Like everything about it so far, except for the price.
Heard great things about the Era, I haven’t shot one on purpose haha. If they come out with a 33 or 34 ata next yr I might be in trouble. I haven’t owned an elite since the Energy 35 and I really liked that bow. Good luck with it this year!
So far I like everything about it, I would bet that they will offer a longer ata next year. This one seems to shoot like a longer ata and holds and shoots great.
Sweet looking rig! I love that color combo. And I have heard nothing but good things about the ERA so far. Looks like a good choice! I have a Phase 4 29 on order because I'm a gluten for punishment. I went with Optifade Elevated II on the riser and black limbs. I already have a set of Flo Yellow/Blue ABB Platinum strings waiting for when it shows up - which probably won't be for another month or two. Just in time to get it dialed in during the summer heat so I can kill something with it this fall.
I bought the Phase 4 29 on Wednesday, my first Mathews unbelievable how quiet and dead it is in your hand, couldn't be happier.
I really want a new bow. Still rocking the elite E32. It keeps killing stuff so im having a hard time justifying it. Really like that era though. Very nice.
the factory string/cables barely made it thru season on the SR350 lasting only 9 months from purchase, the lower cable frayed/worn, replaced the whole set with VEC99 from Catfish Customs recently... no sign of any wear/separation on either cable and the string is fine after 500+ shots .. I'm glad I didnt wait for the SS34, at least the SR350 made it thru one season and took a nice buck . its a damn good bow, esp. with the new threads on it ..
No, I bought mine a month ago. New to me Mathews Switchback XT Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I haven't bought a new bow.....yet lol I really want to try the bowtech carbon one. Has anyone shot one or have one? Everyone is concerned about the weight of it which I don't care about that. I heard it has a super smooth draw on the comfort setting.
if the comfort setting is anything like the SR350, then yes, it is smooth, with a very slight dump at the end of the draw, holds well also .. I like it ! ... in performance, it sucks ..
The price tag doesn’t reflect the carbon one, it’s a 4.5lb carbon bow. I would take a CP30 also at 4.5lb over it and save the 600$ if you want 30” ata.
Had to take the bow to the shop. Had to get a peep twist fixed and I wasn't happy with the length of my d loop. While I was there I mentioned a problem I have encountered with my rest. I have the hoyt QAD ultra rest and it has started to not stay in the up position lately. Soooo, bow stayed at the shop and I'm getting a replacement. Anybody else had any issues with their ultra rest? It's a first for me.
I did a few years ago. I had one that once and awhile it wouldn't release when shot. So the vanes would hit the arms and knock them down when shooting. Of course the arrow would go all over the place. After that I went to Hamskea and never had a problem now. But it's probably the best selling rest and your always going to have a bad one here or there. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Wow, now that is a real problem. Yeah the bow tech said it's very rare. Of course I can't win the good kind of lottery, but weird malfunction I got covered. Ha!
I haven't had any issues and have always used QAD but I want to try hamskea for that reason. Seems like hamskea is almost fail proof but I don't know if I can get use to not having the rest cocked up in the up position. Thats why I always used QAD. One of the shops that I go to keeps trying to persuade me into getting a hamskea. lol I might try one when I order the carbon one.
Got my bow back with the newly replaced rest. The bow technician had it dialed in. No adjustments necessary and I think that speaks to the quality of this shop. I'm very impressed with them. Boneyard archery in Madison, NC. Unfortunately I'll be moving within the year and will have to find a new shop. I've been lucky to have 2 great bow shops over the years. BB archery in Raytown MO was the other. I also added a Bee Stinger 10 inch stabilizer. Holy smokes what a difference.