I guess this is as close as its going to be like a kid on Christmas. On the plus side it gives me a month to save and buy accessories. Gives me time to find some deals. And my sight just showed up today. Now just need to find a rest and going to transfer my old quiver over from old bow. I also have my peep on order. Got another Sawtooth serveless peep. Put one on my last bow and love that thing. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I cant wait I'm ready to shoot some new bows! But I have to wait til Saturday morning. Easiest time to get to the bow shop since it sits on a major highway. I've put 2 sets of strings and gotten alot of use out of it in the past 10 years. Thankfully that bow has gotten me and my family through some tough times.
Just got "The Call"! It's in and ready to pick up. Might be a day or 2 before I can get there. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Already trying to think of a way to go get this afternoon, haha! But most likely will be tomorrow evening. 3 weeks was on this past Tuesday, not a bad turn around and glad it showed up on time. Got my new sight and rest sitting at home waiting for it! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Awesome! When I got the call, the bow tech was kind of surprised when I said I'd be there within the hour. Lol. I waited almost 3 months, dude. I'm on my way.
This thread has me thinking. Believe I just went through my 7th season with my current bow. Time flies by....
Just finished my 7th season with my current bow as well. I have no reason to change at this point, couldn't afford it if I wanted to. I have two private school tuitions that I will be paying starting in the fall and I will most likely be needing to buy myself a new-to-me vehicle before the year is over. I am more a once every 10 years bow buyer anyway.
Well the bow is home! Just picked it up this afternoon. I need to put everything on it still. Most likely get that done this weekend. This thing is sweet looking! Can't wait to start shooting it. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I know it a "thing" but I'm to old to think of a bow as (sweet looking)? For all you guys buying the newest and greatest, my guess is it won't shoot one bit better then the one you replaced it with But it's your $$.
So let me guess, your still using your grandfather's hammer? Does the same thing right? Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Since I had to order it, I picked my colors. Got the gray riser with black limbs. The only thing that came in wrong was the grip. It was supposed to be red. But I think I like the look of black. This thing is 34" Ata and 6 3/4 brace. It has a adjustable cam for performance or comfort draw. I'm keeping in comfort. This is my old man bow, haha. Was looking for a smooth and forgiving bow and this was it for me. It's going to be slower then my old bow, but so much nicer to shoot. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Got the rest, peep and sight all roughed in. Put about 40 shots thru it yesterday in the basement. Figured it's a good idea to break in the string before I tune. Next up is fine tune the rest with the cams. Then time to sight it in. I was never able to shoot this much with my old bow because of my shoulder. Felt much better with this bow and it's a dream to shoot. Going to try a paper tune with bare shaft. Then walk back tune for sight and rest aliment. Just going to take my time. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
If you haven't had one yet, you're going to love how easy it is to tune with Deadlock. Bowtechs seem to prefer being set with the bottom of the arrow running through the middle of the Berger holes, and on a Deadlock cam bow they are more around an 11/16" to 3/4" center shot rather than the normal 13/16". A word of advice, put a bit of anti-seize on your deadlock bolts. The stainless bolts in aluminum threads can sometimes end up with the bolts buggering up the threads and getting hard to turn or even seized. I removed the set screw bolts and applied a bit directly onto them. For the actual cam worm drive there is a hole in the center on the underside that gives you access to the threads. I moved the cams clear left, put some in, moved them clear right and put a bit more in, then ran them back and forth a couple times before putting back to center. Many don't have any problems with them, not trying to scare you, but it's cheap insurance and makes them turn quite a bit easier too. I would also add, I like the bit higher degree clutch grip Bowtech has (I believe it is a 3°) quite a bit better than the "normal" grip they come with. Also, Tim Gillingham makes grips for them that are said to be really nice. He makes them in normal and wide, and in 3, 6, 9, 12 degree angles so you can really fine tune to your preference. They can be bought from him through his facebook page. Just FYI. Enjoy that new SS34, everything I've read has been positive about how nice they shoot and smooth the draw cycle is.
Thanks for the advice! I will check out the screws on the deadlock and apply anti seize. Funny what you said about setting rest. I did exactly what you suggested naturally. I needed the clearance for the rest anyway and set it higher anyway. Bottom of arrow is thru the berger hole. It's set at about 3/4" at the moment. But wasn't going to mess with it till I tune. Goal yesterday was to just get it shooting and get the string broke in. I use to shoot a destroyer 350 and was use to yoke tuning it. This new deadlock is amazing and will spoil me with tuning. Looking forward to shooting this bow more. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk