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Vote Arizona Woman for 2014 Extreme Huntress

Discussion in 'Manufacturers, Press, and Pro-Staff' started by shaymoser, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. shaymoser

    shaymoser Newb

    Oct 9, 2013
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    HuntingPhoto.jpg Mindy Maples Arthurs grew up in Fort Worth, Texas and currently lives in the beautiful state of Arizona where she enjoys hunting with her husband and their two sons. She is extremely dedicated to her hunting and wildlife conservation lifestyle, and shares her passion with everyone. Mindy has been blessed with numerous successful hunts and has been recognized by the prestigious Boone and Crockett record books. She is determined to educate the future generation on the importance of adhering toher outdoor way of life. Her latest quest is to become the winner of Tom Opre’s Eye of the Hunter™ Extreme Huntress Competition.

    To vote for Mindy, please visit the Extreme Huntress Facebook page or website:

    Extreme Huntress

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