Cards did play a great game. The defense confused Farve and me. EJ is out for season guaranteed. See his leg dangling?? That's the worst news out of all this. Vikes were outplayed.
Definitely saw It. Man that's sad, I really feel for the guy. The Vikings loosing, big deal. But seeing a guy break his leg by the looks of It, very sad.
Saints looked good? They lost that Game as well. Blown call the fumble imo and the missed kick would have easily sealed it. No team is that great. Same as no team is really a gimme in the NFL.
So what you are saying is that the Pack is not a decent team....I agree At least they don't lose to teams like Tampa
Their defense is certainly playing better but have the Pack really stopped a good offense this year? And the Cowboys do not qualify as they have averaged only 13 points per game that past 6 weeks.