I would love to give it a try one day. I also would like to be in a tree about 40 yards away filming the 2 flat landers l dukay and jz in the same tree. Priceless I bet. Own DVD? T
I also aready film and I love it so much if WKP ended today I still would do it. Now would I quit my real job and go into TV with this enconmy NOWAY!!!! Plus I love what i do in real life!! Walt
Bikinis are old business Jeff. Body paint, now that's where it's going. Brush Lisa up with a few hunting scenes over certain body parts and send her into the woods...man, the two of you would be bigger than Lee and Tif!
This hunting industry has been really good to me. I quit my real job in 1981a and it was the best decision I ever made. In my opinion you will always succeed if you bring passion to a project. Everyone wants to be around guys with passion for their life. Dull boys always are spending the majority of their waking hours doing something they hate. Not that you have to love your job to smile but it helps. I am blessed to wake up in the morning to charge into my office and work in the bowhunting/filming/marketing industry. Getting your feet on the ground in any niche industry is a combination of who you know, your training (education) and your passion. Bikini's are one route, Teds energy another but storytelling that makes you remember is the key. Master that element and you can sell your services to manufacturers....then you are in the industry.
I tend to like the shows where the people dont act so "famous", if that makes any sense. Yes, Bill Jordon and Micheal Waddell and The Brothers and Uncle Ted make some great shows, but i cant get online and share my thoughts with them. At least not on a regular basis. Thats why i tend to support "Heartland Bowhunter", "WKP" - shows like that (call me biased :d ). I can get on here and chat with Mike or Jeff or Walt. Makes me tend to want to watch their shows more.