I'm actually just more curious on whether or not your really a biologist? When I go to a restaurant I often refer to myself as a Doctor.. in fact I actually make them say Dr. Mike when they call my name.. I think its kinda funny.:d My wife doesn't.
Tough crowd. bowhunting biologist, introduce yourself, give a little background. What part of PA you from?
Let me make it simple. I'm really am a biologist and I just returned from the Southeast Deer Conference held in Roanoke VA. Do you think it is hard to get work in the outdoor video arena? I was once a high school teacher and now earn my living working in outdoor video production.
I really am a biologist and I work with whitetail education. Do you think it is hard to get into outdoor video? All you need is credentials and some credibility. Lots of shows are looking for quality cameramen and producers. I used to be a high school biology teacher..now I work in the outdoor video world. I just returned from the Southeast Deer conference in Roanoke VA.
I already video tape all my hunts, or at least I try or have friends that join me. The only deer we shot at on film Big Doe Down Video but I have a ton of footage from all year.
Cool.. I really just wanted to know. Stick around.. we'll have plenty of Q's for you. Welcome to the site..
We started filming most of our hunts about two years ago. Actually three years ago, but that first year I think we only filmed together like twice. In any case, we're definitely hooked on it and are going to continue filming in the future. You can see a bunch of our hunts in the Video section of this site, on the White Knuckle Productions DVDs, on the Campbell Outdoor Challenge TV show on Versus (by the way our episodes should air in 3 weeks), and eventually on our own DVD which should be done in about a month. Sadly enough, nobody is beating down our doors trying to give us jobs or money for our crazy outdoor filming skillz.
Bh- bioligist welcome to the site. What is your purpose w/the outdoor video? Is it for the "hunting" video or for research type stuff?
Ya in case you want to know who had the mad camera skills and are ready to offer up a salary position, that was me.