When I was deployed to Iraq I decided that when I came home I would do my best to take vets hunting with me as much as I could,this year I have had 3 sets of hunters go out with me but none of them used stick bows,I live in Athens Ohio and hunt with a stick,if your a combat vet drop me a line,the only thing it will cost you is the your tags,[around 150 bucks for out of staters],hope to take 5 or so next year.
yes I can say hero because I served with some and my son and nephews are among the best in the world ,but I'm looking for men or women who have deployed to combat zones that want to hunt southern Ohio,if you know someone that fits this bill have them shoot me a e-mail at [email protected],we still have late season and maybe a turkey hunt in April
I will try and remember to hit you up next summer when I return from this current deployment to Afghanistan...hopefully you will have enough room for my wife and I....She wants to start bowhunting with me..I am so excited to take her and introduce her to the sport.....that is of course if you don't mind taking an MP...I know how much you infantryman like us MP's...LOL
Buy all means,I hae ladder stands and a few blinds plus lock ons so we can take care of getting her on stand plus a 3 d course near by at no cost,as for the M.P. thing ,well I learned a long time ago we need someone to direct traffic,hahaha,my oldest son got back from Stan' in March,be save and keep your powder dry