Hello all, I am a very new hunter (At 44!) , just completing my first Turkey hunt just this week. I have also been intrigued by bowhunting, and always thought that somewhere down the road when I have extra cash I would purchase a bow. Was rummage saleing with the wife this weekend and I come across a guy selling compound bows. He had a very expensive one (350.00 with case, arrows, etc) and one other one that he called a "Pro Form" which was his first bow from the early 90's. He said that he still hunted with it until he got injured and cant do it anymore. I asked some questions, and found out it is right handed, good for beginners and because he was about my height and size, should be set up nice for me. I asked him about a price. He said $15.00 but he would sell it to me for $10.00. So of course I jumped at it. Now I have a bow, no arrows, target or knowledge about what to do next. I have attached a pic of the bow and the spec label. IF someone could help me with some basics and where to go next I would be grateful!.
First thing I would do is take the bow in to a local pro shop and have it inspected. Just a quick once over to insure that the mechanical aspects of the bow are sound. While there they will likely be happy to help you make any needed adjustments to the draw weight/length. Then you need to decide if you will shoot fingers or a release, and select arrows that are proper for the bow. A decent shop should help you with all this and have you shooting in no time. Good luck and welcome to the sport
Yeah, you definitely need to get a good checkup done on the bow, especially one that is that old. Sounds like you got a good deal, as long as nothing is messed up on it. Good luck on getting started on shooting and hunting with a bow, there is nothing like it. You are gonna love it.