Say a deer is facing directly towards you but is almost completely underneath you, decide to take the shot and slip an arrow behind his shoulder, to the right of his spine but left of the edge of the rib cage, arrow breaks off about 6-8" deep and on the back end of the shaft that broke off there is roughly 2" of blood on the shaft so in total there could be 8-10" of penetration, broadhead is a killzone 2". Finding a decent splotch of blood about 20 yards from the point of impact, assuming there is no bottom exit wound it came out of the top. There is a good probability it was a fatal wound right? Thoughts?
Risky shot. Yes, it could certainly kill the deer, especially with a 2" cut, depending what you hit. You may have only gotten one lung, which may or may not kill the deer. A big deer can go a long way with one good lung. I'd go back tomorrow, depending on rain, but give him time.
What did the blood look like? I'm just wondering if maybe looking higher for blood on a shot like that wouldn't be needed. If you single lunged from the top, if that lung was able to draw air and release air you would have blood spraying upwards? Not familiar with the shot but know people take it. Heard you can shoot your foot if not careful and actually need to use your furthest yardage pin for close straight down shots like that. Good luck in the search, not sure where you're at but are you getting a lot of rain?
Very low percentage shot. Certainly could be dead, but could also live a good long time on one lung. Did you track him or back out? Without a low exit hole, tracking will certainly be tough. If you backed out, hopefully he ran a short ways and will be there in the morning.
the blood was brighter red and not dark, I dont think the blood would spray out like that because the broken shaft would block the hole fairly well. he did run off with his tail down though, I'm not sure if that matters. its hazy hear with a light mist. I only found blood in the one spot about 20yds from where I shot him, I only followed where he ran for about 30yds in search of blood, found it, looked a little more for another spot and couldnt see any (getting pretty dark) then I backed out. its supposed to get pretty cold here tonight, maybe get him a little stiff and keep him down. The area I hunt is not pressured at all and he didnt know where the shot came from, hopefully he laid down pretty quick?
If you were off a little further from the centerline, leg movement likely snapped the shaft. Consider what that head was doing inside the deer while the shaft was breaking. I killed one bedded from the ground and the shaft snapped as she took off. There was no blood, but she dropped at 40 yards. When I opened her up the entire chest cavity was full of blood. Get after it, you have a good chance.
I have made that shot fairly often with a Muzzy but I don't take it with a deer facing me. Blood can definitely be an issue if you don't get bottom penetration. Its better to wait until the angle is from back to front a bit. Also be aware you are likely to get a single lung... that is a 2-4 hour wait... just to be sure. More deer are lost by taking up the trail too soon than by anything to do with a broad head's performance.
That is a very low percentage shot for a quick ethical kill. That said, if he is dead he probably bedded down within 150 yards. If he got bumped I don't think you find that deer.
I don't believe I bumped him, I waited before getting down and I did not pursue into any wooded area, just stayed in the field and found some blood, then I backed out. I'm not sure of his direction of travel butI have a good idea, will deer head to any specific area after being hit? Water, thicket, hill?
I'd say a thicket before water unless you got the paunch. And probably not uphill. From what you describe you should have a dead deer in the morning. Good luck!
Somebody on my farm took that shot last Saturday. Completely missed the lungs but exited the stomach. Found her the next morning all chewed out by the foxes. Not a shot I would take (anymore, but I'll admit I did it once and the same thing happened, found the deer a week later rotten)
Well since you didn't pursue it last night after the shot, your odds of recovery go way up. I hope you are dragging right now :D
Thoughts, Deer is probably dead and I sure hope you find it. Other thought, please don't take that shot again, it is risky like you are finding out today. Stick with quartering away and broadside shots and it will save you a lot of time and stress on the recovery.
The deer will very likely die. Recover will be another issue. That is not a shot I would take or recommend anyone take. If the deer is that close, there will be much better shot opportunities most likely. If not, there just is no shot presented.
I am VERY surprised that this thread has not turned heated! Guys have gotten crap about hard quartering away shot before but from above with the deer facing you may be one of the worse shot opportunity you could possibly take.
I agree with you all 100% that I shouldn't have taken the shot, I'm not affraid to admit that and if I was I would never had posted a thing about it, I got caught in the moment and made a bad decision. I was up this morning and searched the area through thick and thin with no luck, no blood, nothing. I then measured the arrow shaft to another complete arrow and found that the penetration was really only 4", with a slight angle the head most likely stoped in the shoulder blade. I feel horrible about it but upon talking to one of my professors today, who is a big game wildlife biologist who did her masters on whitetail habbitat and nutrition, explained how large the shoulder plate is and the total anatomy of a deer from an aerial view and the difficulty of making a clean shot from such an angle. Although nothing can be certain unless I see him again, we both believe there is a good chance he made it, I sure hope so. Two things are for certain though, I will NEVER take a shot like that again and I can always count on you all here to give me honest opinions and advice which I do really appreciate. Hopefully I can redeem myself before the season is over. Good luck to everyone heading out this weekend!