While I've been hunting with compounds for many years,I'm new to the world of crossbows. Last week I traded my High Country Iron Mace to a close friend for his Horton Explorer.Included in the trade was 24 wolverine Hunter 20" carbon bolts.While the bolts are like new,the 4" vanes on them are in pretty rough shape and need to be replaced. So here is my question. Do 2" vanes work well out of a 150lbs crossbow or do I need to stick with 4" vanes? If the 2" will work,what are your thought on NAP's Twister Quickfletch vanes out of a crossbow?
The 2 inch vanes will work....but they may have a taller profile than the 4 inch. You'll need to check to see if they will contact the bottom of the rail. I use fusion vanes on my arrows, and they are fine....on a Parker Tornado. I've never tried the Quickfletch vanes...for me the shorter vanes (Blazers too) have always worked