Good morning , I am beginner in bow hunting and need you advices for vanes. My bow is an hoyt rx4 alpha 60lbs 29,5 I actually use easton axis 5mm / 100gr slick trick , With AAE EP26 (all my setup is from advice of My local shop). My results are good (i am beginner) but some Hunter said that EP26 is not suitable for hunting. Can you give me you advice . Furthermore i will up my bow to 70 lbs And want to buy easton FMJ match grade 5mm with 125gr G5 . So i want to know which vanes i will take (Bohning blazer 2´´, AAE Max stealth, ...) Thanks in advance
If your Slicktricks are a fixed blade with a big cutting diameter (you didn't say which version of them you have) and you're current vanes can't overcome the planing of the blades, then maybe be nervous. Then I personally would probably go to trying a 4 fletch with 2" vanes, which is about the same surface area of a 3 fletch 4" vane setup. Are you getting erratic flight and poor groups when shooting your broad heads? If not...hunt them with confidence. Did "some hunter" offer a reason why or recommend what he thought was best? There are a lot of highly opinionated people that are more than willing to tell you your way is wrong if it isn't the same as their way. I'm running 3 blade 125 gr. fixed broad heads with a 2" vane with no issues. I know nothing about the EP26's other than what I just read when I looked them up, but didn't see anything that blatantly screamed "Don't use for hunting".
I actually use slick trick magnum : When i shoot it’s regular but less regular than with training head. Hunters said to me , EP26 is too smooth And low profile. That produce a stabilisation far than AAE max. furthermore the plastic is not enough rigid for hunt (vegetations will cause damage to vanes).
I use Slick Trick Magnums and run a four fletch with the bohning heat vanes. Nock tune the arrows and they will fly like darts.
The Ep26 is. more than enough vane to steer a small fixed head like a slick trick, your shop set you up just fine.
Been running 3 2” Blazers on every shaft with every broadhead for around 10 years now. Never had an issue with stabilizing a head yet, so don’t see any reason to change. Shooting the ViperTrick and Iron Will heads at this time and no issues out to 80 yards. If it’s working for you, stick with it. Don’t mess with what works!!
^^ agree with the 3 Blazers ... the stabilize my Goldtips just fine, shooting Wicked Tricks, ViperTricks, Mags, Standards and the Wac 'Em 4 blades .... (I love my 4 blades !!) ... 297 fps and they have same POI with my FP's to 50 yds ... been using Blazers many many years and GT's since they hit the market ... great combination .. no need to change ..
Try this: get 2-3 of your arrows that shoot consistently and fletch each with a different kind of fletching of your choice or that have been suggested here and see how each fletching groups on a bullseye.