So the other morning I had decided to head up to one of my spots and was going to pull the cameras I had setup and move them to another location that I have a feeling the bucks tend to frequent more often. I hiked up in the dark, pulled one camera and got near a swampy area I know deer like. I hung until it started getting light and then started slowly walking the old road that skirts the backside of the swamp. As I made my way around I heard a deer bounce off in the sahlal. I pulled out my can call and tipped it hoping it would calm it down. After waiting I slowly worked forward and heard a deer trot off again. Another can call and waiting. I found a heavy deer trail ahead going in the direction the deer went and took it. Two steps, pause. Two steps, pause. I could hear a deer walking in the sahlal but couldn’t see it. I stopped and waited and then out of nowhere a deer materialized. A doe was slowly feeding towards me at about 30 yards. As I watched her I noticed tines moving in the same direction she came from above the brush. Nocked an arrow and watched him come. As he crested into view I could tell right away he was a shooter. He came into view and stared at me hard. I gave him my best statue impression for what felt like an eternity. He’d look away and immediately look back trying to catch movement. After several minutes he decided he didn’t want to let the doe get too far away and took a couple steps forward. Just enough to hide his head behind a tree. I drew back, took one step backwards, settled my pin and before I knew it my arrow was on its way. The buck jumped and ran off. I saw him stop and slowly walk off. The doe ran off but came back, clearly unaware of what has just transpired. I could see my arrow stuck in a stump behind where the deer was standing. I gave it 15 minutes and went and checked it. Covered in blood and there was a great blood trail. I slowly took it up and after 15 yards I looked up and could see tan hide. Where I saw him walk off is where he fell. My biggest blacktail to date. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would love to hunt blacktails..they seem just so cool...that's a great story and hunt and a great deer.
They are the greatest and most frustrating deer to hunt. They don’t get the respect they deserve because they don’t have antlers like mulies or whitetails but are twice as hard to hunt. Not to mention you have to love being wet to hunt them properly lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Delicious. Never had a bad one no matter how rutted up they are either. Just that they are half the size of a mule deer. A monster here would be 200lbs live weight. I guesstimated this guy to be about 160lbs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk