this is the report from 08/09...not bad I think.
The day MI shoots more does than bucks is the day Duke and Gregh go shed hunting together at tempel:D Really nice VA, IMO that is perfect!!!
we are still trying to get a handle on the does, we have some work to do still, but it's looking better.
Prince William County had a 51% doe harvest--fantastic! I bet it will be more this year due to the earn a buck clause.
Brett, we are coming into our own here in the Old Dominion aren't we?? I love the direction we are taking, now if we could just get Sunday hunting and a shorter hound season to match the bow and ML, we would all be equal!!
I know but thanks I was just looking at Antlered vs Antlerless, we count BB as Antlerless here in MI and we still shoot more Antlered deer. Way to be on top of it
yeh Jeff I think they should be counting these BB as bucks as well....I mean it does have all the plumbing....
what I ink is great is that the #1 county and the # 2 county are completely across the state from each other...Bedford Co. is in the mts in the west and Southhampton is only about 50 min from Va beach! only 45 mins from me....the herd is strong pretty much all over the state, however, most of the western counties kill more deer than the eastern do and they only have a 2 week rifle season and here in the east we have a 7 week long deer hound/shotgun/rifle season and still don't kill the amount that they do...go figure.
Dont get me wrong, I don't Want 3 bucks, thats too many for my area, but I still never understood it.
During the past deer season 253,678 deer were reported killed by hunters in Virginia. This total included 111,863 antlered bucks, 22,291 button bucks, and 119,524 does (47.3%). . Female deer kill numbers have been at record levels for the past six years. For the past two deer seasons, the increase in the deer kill has been nearly all antlerless deer. In 2008, the doe kill was up nearly 9% from 2007 and in 2007 it was up 13% from 2006. My county: Bucks=746 Male Fawns=150 Does=923 Overall Doe kill up 9% over last year