Jeff, I always wondered what the hell GMMAT stood for!! Now I know!!:d As for myself, my last name Is Schultz but most call me Schultzy.
I started out as LouisianaTomkat on the other site due to my bow (Bowtech Tomkat), then I got a Bowtech Equalizer and became LAEqualizer. Now I shoot a Bowtech Allegiance and a Bear Grizzly, so I may change to "Allegiance to the Grizzly Bear". Nah, that sounds as gay as quicksilver. I would just rather be known as Bobby.
My name is Adam Bowman. My middle initial is J.... Hence, bowmanaj Mines pretty straight forward too.
"SSW" are the intitials of the company I work for and "Priz" is part of my last name. many years ago when our company started going with the internet, we had AOL as a provider. My name there was [email protected], it just has stuck all these years, in fact, I still have that aol account and use it once in a blue moon.
My nickname (Jim) I'm the fourth (IV, great grandfather was the 1st, grandfather was Jr, Dad was 3rd)
I started out on HNI as Txrookie because I knew nothing about bowhunting. As I became a bowhunter with a couple of kills I decided I'm not a rookie anymore. Since I'm a journeyman electrician and have been for 17 years I thought I'd change my user name to reflect my trade and my bowhunting progression. On April 2nd I'll be taking an exam to get my masters electrician license. I don't think I'll look to change names again though. I'm certainly not a master bowhunter.
But seeing how you're from Texas where baiting is the norm.... it stands to reason you're probably a master baiter.:d
i got mine probably 10 yrs ago when i was signing up for instant messenger. Fats was my nickname and i was trying to get a variation of that but they were all taken. A list of available names popped up and fatsbucknut was one of them. I just thought it had a nice ring to it.
I like the old band Guess Who and I was invited here from the other site, so I figured sooner or later I would make you all figure it out... Knock-knock?
It's a long story... I took a guy out to bowfish from a boat. I didn't shoot because I wanted him to get some shots but the fish weren't cooperating. They were in some thick weeds but would dive whenever the boat got to within 20-25yds. He was using an AMS reel and only had about 20yds of line so he just couldn't reach them. Finally he said "You shoot 'em". So reluctantly I picked up my bow and took a shot. Nailed it. I've been Carpsniper ever since. Needless to say he didn't shoot any more. (of course neither did I) And that's the short version...