Of the Banjo Boy's bow.:p Braced Close up's of the riser. Sight window side. Off side. Still have another couple of coats of finish to put on but have to wait for a package from Will before I can do that Will be heading out shortly to fling some arra's through her:D
Steve. Thanks mate. A little story about the log I cut the riser from. The man who I brought it off told me "the only thing that log is good for is fire wood" of course I didn't agree with him and said " you can never judge a book by it's cover":D I took the bow to show him this morning just what that no good fire wood looked like Altho he didn't say much the look on his face was priceless:D I guess that could have been a bad thing to do as the price of fire wood might rise next time I want some:p
Oh man , Russ she's lookin beautiful mate . That riser has bags of character and i'm loving the side profile picture of her too . Great choice suggesting the Yarra , cannot wait to get her home . You really do work some magic on a block of wood , nice one mate .
Dave. Mate even tho these pics are about the best pics I have taken of a bow they still do not do her any justice. She has to be seen and fondled to truely appreciate her:D Oh and from shooting her this afternoon I will say she is quick, real quick even with 620gr arrows I can almost taste the Elk steaks she's gonna harvest come next September:p
If i score ( sorry , when i score ) with an Elk , everybody will be taking some home , cuz i am not allowed to take meat back home . But i will sure as hell get the Rack or Mount home and will look like pacman from filling my mouth with whatever i can squeeze in lol , Steve you got dibs on whatever you can carry mate . Like i said in the PM Russ , the anticipation is killing me mate . I really cannot wait to shoot her .
Dave. Shouldn't be too long now mate. I spoke with Will today and he said he was gonna get the logo's in the mail. Guess I'll have to get busy and make up the extra string for ya seein you've been so patient:p Steve. Whats this cook the heart??????????????? What sort of animal are you anyway?????????? Ya gosta eat it raw like real men do:p:D Don't matter who kills what I want dibs on the first kidneys so I can cook up a nice elk steak n kidney pie for the guys
Thanks Russ , but you know me .... no need to rush things on my account , I really appreciate all the hard work you put into both of my bows . Elk steak and kidney pie sounds good to me , we bast make sure we get one fella's . I been practicing my Elk calling again , folks round here must wonder what the hell is going on some nights lol .