Update on Bushnell repair***UPDATED*** If you all remember I posted a couple of weeks ago that I sent my Bushnell Trophycam in for repair. About a week after I posted that I received a pm from a member here wanting to know the model number of the camera and stating that he might be able to help me with it. I told him I had already sent it in and didn't have the model number. I also told him I would appreciate it if he could find out if they had received my camera as I had not heard anything since sending it in. I received another pm stating he had tracked down my camera and that Bushnell was not going to repair it but replace it with a new one. That was all last weekend. Today I received a card from Bushnell stating the same thing. I'll tell you for sure, if this works out as promised I will be very impressed and they will have definately earned my future business. I will keep you all updated. ***Update to original post. Just received new camera in the mail. It was an upgrade of the previous Trophycam I had, and all of this at no charge. Bushnell has definately earned my future business and I will speak highly of them in future posts. Great customer service seems to be so rare these days, it's nice to have customer service that exceeded my expectations! Blessings to all.......Pastorjim
I remember reading your earlier post and am happy you are getting your camera replaced. In general, Bushnell has never failed to impress me and I've always been satisfied with their hunting accessories but I've never had to contact them directly. Glad to hear they have solid customer service though.
They've done the same for me with two cameras. Ive got one more to send back since the LCD went out. Sounds like ive went thru alot but Ive owned about 15 of these things and this is only number 3 with an issue. Never have they repaired one, they always send a new one!