Better yet, shoot him with a Rage 2 blade.........gut shot that is. Don't want it to be a quick kill.
i cant even comprehend what would cause someone to do this.... i feel bad for the family/friends of the girl....
Thank a WORTHLESS LAWYER!!! And $30k/yr is a very LOW guestimate, it'll be well upward of that. Even convicts sometimes have a heart, and he'll be a targeted man in prison which will likely land him in solitary, which costs more. And don't forget legal fees that were/will be paid, he'll likely try to get an appeal or two, need legal representation for anything he does while in prison, etc. That WORTHLESS POS will cost this country more $$$$ than many of us will make in a lifetime!!! AS I've said before.....Have Rope, Will Travel......:D
From the article: "It appeared Yang, who was from Beijing, had met Zhu of Ningbo, China, only recently, Kim Beisecker, the director of Cranwell International Center, has said. Zhu, a doctoral student in agricultural and applied economics, had been assisting her in adjusting to life at Tech, something the 500 Chinese students often do for new members in their community. "