Help me see the logic in this decision. This freak saws the head off a girl in a Virginia Tech dining facility and all he is going to receive is life in prison? He admitted to the crime in gruesome detail. Take him out back and blow his dang brains out instead of wasting 50 years X $30,000 to keep this scum locked up in America. That or fly him over China and drop him out of a plane at 20,000 feet. What kind of statement does this send when a freak can saw a poor girl's head off in public and only receives life in prison because the crime does not "fit" the parameters of the death penalty criteria?
I hope so as well. But to me, he killed an innocent person in a gruesome manner without provocation. So now a person is dead. And on top of that we have to pay millions to keep this dirtbag locked up in our country for X amount of years. It makes me sick.
i hope its only $30,000/yr. The juveniles i used to deal with were upwards of $100,000/yr. I say feed him to a bunch of hungry pigs.
It might be hell for him, but not compared to the hell the young lady experienced at the hands of this animal. Why the heck are we paying to keep this sob alive for the rest of his natural life?
What I would do to have the door locked with only him and me in the room. Dirtbag! I would rather see him in prison then dead but I don't want to pay for it.
Damher killed 17 people and got life in prison. Some of the victims he raped and tortured before killing them. He got life in prison. Another inmate made that life sentence last less than two years. On the other hand the 'Green River Killer' who killed at least 48 women is still alive, serving a life sentence. He's 60 now, maybe he'll croak soon. Our legal system has a lot of issues.
Yes there is, vote for the right kind of "change". We have the right to do something every November. Local, State, Federal elections
Very true, but regardless of for whom you vote, the fact remains that there are instances as such in which criminals who perform inexplicable crimes will be sentenced to only life in prison. Just another example of a flawed system
Hopefully the rest of the prison population will take care of the problem. Where a scumbag like this admits to the crime it should be a simple 3S solution. (...and the scumbag should do the first part of the shoveling)
Show me a perfect system and I'll show you how it's flawed. For the record, I'm PRO death penalty. Don't like today's system? Write more letters and get more active in politics. I don't ***** much cuz I know I'm not involved enough. When I say involved, all I basically do is vote during the elections...
My family has first hand witnessed the complete INEPT-ness of our legal system. If you are to ask anyone of us.. the lawyer(s) behind the criminal are equally to blame. If you wish to string this murderer up... you should grab a 2nd rope.
I think all (or most) of us agree that life in prison is not a just sentence. However, I question why some would say that the system is "corrupt" or somehow bad. The current legal system here in the US allows for every person convicted of a crime to have a reasonable defense. It allows for the accused to face their accuser and to form a defense. This same system allows for "the people" to present evidence to a jury made up of twelve members of society to decide the fate of the accused. There is also a judge that is the referee so to speak to be sure that everyone follows the rules, and see that both sides are treated fairly under the law. Are there times when someone is wrongly convicted? Yes, there are. Are there times when someone is not convicted? Sure, think O.J. Simpson. Is this an injustice? that depends, and in the big picture it is fair more often than it is not. The same laws that allow this all to happen, are in place should you, any of you get accused of a crime. Again, I am not defending anyone or their actions. I just think that the current system could be a lot worse, look at the young lady convicted and sentenced to 26 years in Italy and how that case went.