So I recently got a new Carbon Element and asked my tech to rig my old Bear Extreme (CB) for bowfishing. Got it back and just noticed the sight and WB is off it. Put a Muzzy kit on it. Now what? I have a pool, how do I practice w/o damaging the head? Not sure about a sightless CB.
Im not too sure what you mean by (CB) but for bowfishing you dont generally use sights. its all a matter of instinct and "aiming" low. I shoot the Muzzy reels. The number 1 thing to remember is to constantly push the button. While you are waiting to shoot at a fish, pust the button. Over and OVER! If you need more info pm me and ill give you a link to some good information. Rude, stuck up people, but good info!
The fiberglass arrows for bowfishing tear up normal Whisker Biscuits pretty bad, trophy ridge sells one designed for bowfishing and its made out of very stiff bristles. it runs about $60 but its well worth the money because unlike most other bowfishing rests, this one is completely enclosed and you don't have to worry about your arrow falling off. I don't use sights and have never bowfished with anyone who does, it really is all instinct. The #1 rule of bowfishing is aim low, then go lower. Also, one thing i've done for practice is filling up milk jugs and sinking them.
Out of the zillions of bowfishers I know, only a couple use sights. Use fingers too, no releases. Push the button means to push the button on the spincast reel. If you forget to push it your arrow will snap the bowfishing line or not make it to the fish. I use a retriever reel so I don't have to worry about pushing buttons. I'd be more worried about hurting your pool than the tip of your bowfishing arrow. If your pool can hack it, you can hang some sinkers/weights on a foam football to sink it and then shoot at that. Water bottles and milk jugs work good too. Best thing is to go after some carp.
UH, you dont want to shoot in the pool I Hunt with compound, release and sights. I Bowfish with recurve, no sights and fingers. Whole different setup!
Dont do it in a pool. Go to a buddys house that has a pond or lake. How i practice is that i seal an empty 1 gallon milk jug with hot glue. I then poke a quarter inch hole in the bottom side panel of it. Also a really small hole in the lid (1/16 inch). Then I tie a 4ft string to the handle of the jug. After that i tie a small brick to the other end of the string. I then grab the brick and jug and throw them into the lake. I then pick up my bow. Meanwhile the brick is wanting to sink and the jug is wanting to float. So this is when the hole comes into effect. It slowly lets in water and the jug begins to sink. Once the jug is at the perfect depth i then release the arrow. (i sometimes tie on a second string for me to hold on to. Just incase i miss, i can pull it back up.)
Practice while your fishing... you're shooting carp for crying out loud. Who cares if you miss? Its meant to be fun.