Has anyone ever did the #1 while in the tree? After hanging my stand yesterday I sat in it for a couple of hours, then UH OH it was #1 time. So I let it roll down the side of the tree. Approx. an hour later, I had a doe and a spike come in approx. 50 yards away from the stand.
Unzip and let r rip. Sometimes I'll even freshen a scrape... For whatever reason, to me, deer seem less sensitive to human urine than our scent.
Same! same rules apply though, Don't P into the wind!! After I shot a buck one time, i was shaking so bad, and had to P all of the sudden. I was shaking while going P, and ended up getting it everywhere....on my pants, on my stand LOL
Once in a tree in ny. I was freezing. For some reason cold makes me pee. I held on as long as I could. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. 18ft. up I let fly. Tryna write my name in the leaves. Just as I was shakin off the last few drops a 6pt. came running in dropped to the ground and started to roll in it like a dog tryna cover its own scent. It was the funniest thing. Thats another reason I started filming cuz nobody believed me when I told the story.
They actually make ziplock baggies that stand up on their own. PERFECT for#2. Gets a little tricky with harness but can always climb down tree and take care of business. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I will say when you gotta go you gotta go. I let it rip on a squirrel once who was barking at the bottom of the tree.......he was PISSED after that
I do it all the time. Try to start and stop your flow so you sound like a squirrel running through the leaves. I freshen up scrapes all the time. Pee is pee! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For some reason, I rarely find myself having to pee on stand. Not sure why. When I do, I let her rip. Back in the day, I remember having to go so I got down, went about 50 yards and pee'd by a tree. Wasn't an hour later and a couple does came through and picked up the scent. They went right over to it to check it out. That kinda told me that it didn't bother them a bit so I haven't had a second thought about peeing out of the stand since then.
I have IBS, usually hits once I get settled into the stand. I have since perfected the art of the 15-foot zip lock dump. Always bring TP, I've since reduced my cost of replacing hanes.
I never leave the house without TP. I usually have to go so I go right at the base of the tree so that its as close to me as possible and maybe they won't smell it until they are in range. I did have coyotes come in right after a fresh dump one time.