So I watched Greg Miller bowhunting in Kentucky. I do like Greg. However, he's pushing a new "Snake Oil" product. The latest product designed to do nothing but help you throw away money is a portable Ozone machine you hang in your tree. LOL Give me a break. The only way that thing would work is to wrap you up in a tent and filter all the air coming off or passing over your body. No way can that thing suck up all the air wafing over you to purify it. YES, ozone machines DO WORK but only when placed in a confined space such as a closed room or a vehicle. They've been in existance for a long time. They're used in the used auto industry and fire restoration businesses... but really???? In a tree hanging above your head???? NOT!!!! Snake Oil I tell ya... pure snake oil. Show number 2. I just watch Michelle and Fred Eikler. I love them both, but dang... they should learn to suck on that grunt tube sometimes. They each blew their grunt tube more times in one show than a deer will grunt in his lifetime. Not only that, they violated every reasonable rule I ever read about how and when to use them. Example one: A buck is chasing a doe around in front of them both at different times. They start grunting and making a heck of a ruckus. Buck and doe... Exit, Stage left. You aren't going to drag that buck away from a doe. If you sit and wait or stand and wait chances are he'll run her by you. If you grunt, chances are he'll herd up his date and drive her away from a possible opponent. Example TWO: The buck is a ways off, she grunts, he starts coming, he's getting closer,... she continues to grunt and grunt and grunt. If the buck is coming, shut the hell up. If a buck is within sight, especially less than 50 or 60 yards, shut the hell up. If you can see him he can pin point the source of the sound. Grunts should be used as a blind call or to lure a deer that has passed or is passing you by, not one within sight and coming. Give those folks a chocolate grunt tube... it would serve them better. I love 'em both, but dang they screwed up.
OK, I'll rephrase. IN MOST cases you aren't going to drag that deer away from a hot doe. I suggest you're just as well off seeing what happens and not putting either deer on alert at that point. For clarification, I don't believe everything I read on this forum or any forum. I believe what I see and have seen in 50 years of deer hunting. For my way of thinking, I'd rather watch at that point and be ready. If they run off, well have at it, grunt up a storm.
I have seen people on hunting videos say this prior to their hunts..."I am using this X brand grunt tube today, it is the best". Then about an hour into their hunt they grunt...they then see a buck. He is absolutely hauling butt across an open field (with no signs of any stress of pressure). As the buck continues to advance towards the first grunt they continue grunting. When the buck stops for even 1 second, they grunt again with their magical flute. Even at 20 yards they continue to grunt. They then arrow that buck from their 9 foot high treestand. And the buck never even looked up or felt any pressure. Heck I guess we should go out and buy that magic flute of theirs.
I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you saying we should all grunt our lives away or have you got your tongue stuck in your cheek? LOL
If you don't or can't catch a fish in Alaska you should take up Curves or something like that. I have no idea how many fish we caught. We caught King, Sockeye, Chum, and Silver Salmon along with Char, Greyling and bodacious Rainbows.... EVERY DAY. There were 9 of us in camp and we broke 9 fly rods on those big ones. I came home with all my rods intact. Our biggest Kings were in the 40-45 pound range. Biggest rainbow was 28 1/2. I brought home about 40 pounds of sockeye fillets. Saw bears every day. A couple had an attitude and were a blink away from feeling the rath of a 12 guage. Had a great time. Partied hard too the night before we went to camp and a lot less once we got there. When you start fly fishing at 8AM and quit at 5 you're tired.
You have to realize that the hunting industries are the same as the pro sports industries, What you are talking about is the same as Terrell Owens saying that the gloves he wears help him catch the ball, or Gatorade makes him run further and faster...... Its all about who's paying the bills……..
I have never successfully called a buck away from a doe in over 40 years of hunting them. However, my son did it during his first season, when he was 12. It happened on Oct 17th, just as the older bucks started coming out earlier in the evenings to start checking on does. My son grunted a 3 1/2 year old 8 pointer away from 2 does he was checking out. Made a dad feel proud!
I am hunting in TV gear only this year:D I'll show you non believers Not only will I call a buck from a doe, I will turn that buck gay by the time he reaches my stand
But on Oct 17th I doubt those does were anywhere close to in heat. This was the second week in Nov. Entirely different situation. Your son's buck was checking does who could have cared less if the buck had a tool.
What you have to realize is that there are hours and hours of footage of the hunter being taped using the items they are sponsored with. It isn't always one hunt that is on the TV show, it is pieces of many hunts edited to look like one hunt. In fact, most of the time when you are see the hunter draw his bow a lot of the times it is done after the shot. This makes it look like every hunt is the perfect hunt. The only way I know I know, is I was involved with a small show for several years. I have seen bits & pieces of a whole year of footage go into one show.
I just watched that same episode. He claims he knows for a fact he wouldn't of tagged that deer if he didn't have it. Rofl I like his show but if I need to hear stay tuned your watching In Pursuit television 1 more time I am ready to stab my dog with a pencil. Jeez I mean really. Bad enough I had to watch that exact hunt on North American Whitetail the night before. Why do these guys put the same hunts on 10 different shows? Give me a call I'll take a doe on film or a management buck so I don't have to see the same hunt. I know no one is forcing me to watch it or I can change the channel but man it's the closest thing I can get to a tree until Sept 19th, I want to watch.