I've got some land that I've seen a group of turkey's a time or two. It's made of up small cow pasture and crop fields. What's a good way to tell if my land still holds them? Any tips to locate them outside of actually seeing them?
Go to a vantage point predawn and listen for them.....They should start Gobblin right as the sky starts getting light.... SB
Get up on a high ridge, or out in an open area if possible...get close to where you think they will be. wait for daylight....you will hear them for a good ways as long as the foliage isn't too thick yet. In the offchance you hear nothing, yup move on somewhere else. SB nailed it.
what about roosting them. Does this entail actually watching them fly to the roost or do they sound off from the roost right at dark also?
I was at my cabin from last tuesday until Sat. a.m. and never heard a predawn or roosting gooble.... Jeff is correct....but I happened to know they were there from experiance and scouting....if they are not gobbling and you know they are there...spend the day in the blind with a single hen decoy out and call sparingly.... If you run and gun now you will more likely send your birds to the neighbors place. SB
The problem is I don't hunt this property enough to know if the birds are primarly on it or not. I've only seen them in the fields a time or two. I don't have access to any property that have a regular herd. I've never seen a turkey from any of my deer stands.
This man has written quite a bit about how to, Turkeys. Good luck. http://www.wildturkeyzone.com/articles/michels.htm