I look forward to this time of year. The ranch where I live and work is generally pretty void of turkeys from Oct untill early early spring. I was out feeding this evening and saw the first 2 turkeys of the year. A really nice tom and a hen. They generally target the horse's feeding areas in the pastures so my plan is to set up blinds a couple hundred yards away and try calling them as they are coming and going from picking grain after the horses. I am pumped, this will be my wife's first year hunting and she has got her little bow dialed in and ready for turkeys. I went and got her when I spotted them. She looked through the binocs and has already got dibs on the big tom. Getting a little spring fever I think.:d
I saw 8 long beards, about 10 jakes, and over 100 turkeys total in a farmer's field. They were all enjoying the freshly melted horse poo!
I was getting a little nervous that they werent going to show this year. I get ancy I guess. And they do love the horse apples.