Every saturday it gets worse...the first 2 were pretty good, then last saturday the gobbles began to fall of and now we hear 2-3 birds gobble about 3 times each and that's it, nothing else after 8 am ...hened up? too tired?? too hot?? we have til May 16th... what ya think?
I think it sucks! But I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone :d This morning, I had 4 -gobbling their heads off within a quarter mile. One flew down into my field . . . along with his 5 girlfriends They wanted nothing to do with my deeks or my calls. I think tomorrow, I'll leave everything but the boom-stick in the truck.
The later in the season, the less vocal they get. Best bet is to watch where they are entering/exiting the field and set up on it.
Iowa, there are no fields on this track of land. It's all woods and swamps...the turkeys are there, they just will not commit to me..
Henned up. No need to gobble much when they fly up and down with em. The hens in your part of the country should be laying by now so they might be in a pattern of breeding early morning and then leaving their boyfriend to go lay an egg. Have you tried late morning 10-12 am? As soon as they start setting on their eggs to incubate them your gobbling will pick up again. That mid season gobbling lull that your in now is an extremely frustrating time to hunt. As Iowa said it's best to observe and try to pattern at this time and set up on em in a travel corridor. If you can find a strut zone where their breeding (drag marks, lot's of tracks) you'll be in business. Get in early and wait em out. Don't get too discouraged it happens every year. Better days are ahead. Dan
Ive always noticed more gobbling towards the end of the season when the toms are lonelier because the hens are nesting. Va, try to see which way they go everyday and set up an ambush.
One of the other hunters in the club told me today that the gobbling picks up again the last 2 weeks every year, well here it is the last 2 weeks is upon and Im hoping to see it happen. Thanks for the advice!
If they are shutting up right after fly down, or soon after..They might be henned up or heading straight for their hens close by after fly down. x2 on trying to figure out where they are going after fly down, and ambush them. Good luck to you