Yes for me too. What's the difference? I wish I could tell ya, but a turkey at 60 yards vs a deer and you are looking at a green light vs a red for me.
I'm not sure....A turkey's entire body is similar to if not smaller than a deers vitals, and when comparing a lethal or vital shot, it isn't even close. I would take a farther shot at a deer than a turkey. I would HATE to loose either (and have lost a hen in the winter), so my shot distance is kind of proportional to the difficulty of the animal. Turkey are jittery animals with a TINY core vital area, no need to risk anything. Anything outside of 30-35 yards for turkey with bow in hand is too far. Deer on the other hand, depending on the situation, I would contemplate extending that range. I couldn't imagine taking a 60 yard shot on a turkey with a gun, much less a bow. Not that I am saying others shouldn't, just saying I can't imagine personally ever considering it.
The way I look at it is your comfort zone is your comfort zone. If your good to 25 yards you should be good to 25 yards wether its a deer or turkey! I take no hail mary pokes no matter the game I'm hunting.
I guess it depends how I feel at the moment. If I feel confident enough to make a well placed shot I will take turkey or deer. I don't know if i can really comp[are the two because I hunt deer from treestands and turkeys from ground blinds. If it was from a stand I think I would take a shot at a deer further. If it was from a ground blind I would wake a shot at a turkey further.
Once again I set it up so I cannot shoot past 20 yds, I do so because I would shoot(fling) an arrow at a turkey or deer.
id say no, just cause i feel that i have a larger vital area shot on a deer, but 35yds is my limit anyway....
Good honest answers everyone!! As for myself I might stretch It out another 5 yards with a turkey (25 yard shot), we'll see how my shooting Is next weekend.
I'm comfortable at 40 yards and in with both the bow and shotgun. I actually had 2 longbeards strutting at 60 yards this season and passed because they wouldn't come any closer. If its not within my comfort zone I'm not taking the shot.
Wow this is surprising to me. A smaller target becomes more shoot-able at a further distance. I think there is more of a stigmatism to wounding a deer than "merely" a turkey. Intresting post!
Thats what I was thinking, you miss 2 inches from your intend spot on a deer and its still a double lunged DEAD deer. If you miss 2 inches from your intended spot on a turkey, its wounded and long gone! Yet folks will take a longer shot, 30, 40 yards on a turkey??? Random thought.... -Thats a poke with a shotgun in my eyes!