Ok this is my first year turkey hunting, I know the basics i can use a mouth call and a hand call, but I'm not sure about what kind of setup to use regarding decoys I have two hens and a jake. I would just like to know if there is a simple setup I can use with these decoys. Any suggestions or tips you guys would have would be awesome!! Thanks, Hunter
your going to get alot of different opinions on this one. I prefer my Jake decoy out about 15-20 yards with it facing me. My hen i just put out to the side a little and dont worry about what way she is facing. The reason i face my Jake toward me is: sometimes a Tom will hang up behind the decoys, if he is wanting to intimidate his rival he will feel the need to get in there face to get its attention, and come in and do just that, giving you the shot. They will walk right by the hen and go straight for the jake. If im hunting birds that i feel are somewhat intimidated by the decks i might just use a Hen or nothing at all. I personally like my decoy to have a real fan attached it just adds so much more to it. Mine is rigged where i can move the fan up and down with a fire line string. Mine also sports real wings that can be removed for transport. I clipped the wings somewhat to give them a smaller Jake apperence. I need to get ahold of a Jake fan for this decoy versus the adult one i have on it now. anyone want to donate a Jake fan they dont want?? :d
On the subject of decoys, When do you guys stop using them? Time of the season? Do you use them late season? What is the deal with the decoys that I see in the stores? THey all look so crappy. For a bird that has really good eyesight, they sure don't pay attention to details of their own kind!