I drove into town this morning and bought my land owners tag. The gas to get to town and back was more than the tag. This evening I went out and roosted the birds. They didn't get vocal until a little after 8:00PM and had me worried, but they finally spoke up and I know which oak trees they're in. Going out in the morning for my first turkey hunt of the year. 4th ssason, I'm taking a neighbor out who quit turkey hunting after 5 years of being skunked. I am stoked for the neighbor's hunt more than I am about tomorrow. A friend of mine turned me on to turkey hunting a couple years back. He's a GREAT caller and I was honored when he tutored me. Now, if I can successfully call in a bird for the neighbor, I'll be ecstatic. Hunting for myself is enjoyable, but if I can help out someone else, that really gets me going. Once he experiences success, then maybe someday he'll turn someone else on to the joy of turkey hunting. Good luck to everyone else this season!
Good Luck Iowa Veteran, I am out in 6 hours for opening morning. Never hauled a blind, bow, decoys to public land for a bowhunt but I will give it a shot.
Day one done and saw 11 toms, none of which came in to the calling, 9 jakes, all of which came to the calling, about 30 hens, 3 coyotes and 8 deer. Went out at 5:30 this morning and got home at 8:30 tonight. Back hurts like all get out. Thank goodness I don't have to be back out there until 5:30 tomorrow morning!
Awesome, good luck to you.. Landowners in Iowa have to buy landowner tags? Here we just make a temporary tag on a piece of paper, attach it, and check it...Deer and turkey. But anyway, good luck keep us updated
1st season bird in the bag (gun). 23 lbs, 10" beard, 1" spurs. Took 2 miles of runnin' and gunnin' to get er done. Dang Toms just didn't want to cooperate!
Congrats on a nice bird IV. No luck here. Had a few gobbling but they were not even close to commiting. BAck at it tomorrow.
Congrats! That's a great bird...where's the pics? I went out tonight to try to roost a few for the first time this spring (season doesn't start until the 25th), but nothing. I'm anxious, but I'm a bit disappointed in what I'm hearing/seeing lately.
Nice bird. And yes Iowa makes us pay for land owner tags. $2.00 each. Since they changed the laws though I can't get one. My father owns our land and won't put my name on the deed (my brother freaks anytime I mention it, hehe). The new law says you have to be actively farming the land to get a land owners tag if you rent.