Was out for Saturday's opener with two buddies. We were set up in a blind with my video'n and calling, my buddy Kies with his Diamond Marquis, and another friend (DoePeeSteve) in an adjacent blind with a gun. The plan was to try to double with Kies scoring first and then Steve cleaning up. Shortly after daylight, we realized that we were in great postion to see the birds, just in need of a sniper rifle to kill them. Short Video Three different strutters for the better part of an hour and half. We only actually heard a few gobbles. We then headed to cabin land to see what we could shake up. The only thing that we found later on was on our way out when we were fleeing rising temps and bugs was "Trigger Mike" as I dubbed him in his second deer season. This kid is the youngest that hunts at our cabin. He's a good kid. He and his father were out to try for the last hour Tom. Here is a short interview with Trigger himself. I am still laughing my ass off. I love this kid. Trigger Mike's response to the question, "What are you guys doing?"
I love it..."Kill everything!":uzi: I didn't think about it, I should have supported my bowhunting.com shirt better for that picture.
There's your problem right there. Looks like you're on a cut beanfield, there's no food there! Get on a cornfield or green and you'll have better luck. My usual place had beans last year and there is virtually no turkey sign. Luckily it's good to have friends who share!
Sounds like what I was thinking. They were over in the other field again this morning. I am gonna try to ask permission to hunt it. I was thinking that until they till this field that I am in and turn up some bugs, I am duck poop in this location.