yeah i spent $70 on tags. 1 turkey tag, one doe tag, and one buck tag. should be ready for just about any critter that may present itself.
Since I hunt on are land I got... 2 Archery Any-Deer tags, 2 Archery doe tags, 2 Archery turkey tags, 2 Firearms Turkey tags (which can be filled with a bow if done between Oct 1-31) 1 Firearms Any-Deer tag, And 1 Firearms doe tag. And I only Paid $7 for one of the Archery doe tags :p
I see turkeys pretty often while deer hunting, but in LA turkey season is in the spring. But when we find em during deer season we know where to set up in the spring!
Bow season for deer & turkey came in September 1st. until January 21st ... (Eastern part of KY.) I've been seeing a lot of turkey this year on my property feeding right beside the deer!... Its still a little too warm here for me to start bow hunting... So I've been passing the time camping & Bass fishing!
Saturday morning was the Nebraska deer and fall turkey opener, saw two small bucks, a doe with fawn, and two hens. Never seen turkeys at that hunting spot before. The population of turkeys on that land was reduced by 1.
Lucky dogs...I'm always hearing about Fall turkey season and while living in Louisiana, I never get to participate.
I hope to take a turkey this fall too. Do u guys use broadheads or keep one arrow set for turkey? Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2
Iv been trying to take a turkey with a bow for like 6 seasons now iv come close 1 time and i missed by inches got nothing but feathers! This year that is my goal get a nice bird for the wall. I have hopes of a slam someday.
I sometimes keep an expandable or two in my quiver just for Turkey, but usually just shoot my Muzzy's Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
I see turkeys about 80% of the time. I feel as if it's usually a good time. If it's in season, shoot it!
I went and got my fall turkey archery tag last weekend and hopefully will have the chance at one. Saw 2 turkeys the week before that were about 50 yards away and that's what reminded me to go get the tag. Lol
I usually see a few every year. Not 1 during Fall Turkey season though! I saw one yesterday morning and turkey season opens on monday. lol
I saw about 20 turkey yesterday while bow hunting deer. Couldn't get a shot cuz of distance and thickness of the forest.