I need to start this thread by saying Thank You to our very own ZachCL. Since moving to college my only hunting oppurtinities have been after I make a 200 mile drive back home on weekends. Zach generously invited me to go hunting with him this weekend, and he called in a great bird for me this morning Yesterday evening we roosted a gobbler and noted his location so we could set up on him in the morning. After we got set up this morning the action was slow at first, but it got heated up really quick :d. We were sitting in the blind and talking about nothing important when suddenly Zach looks up and says "There they are!". I look up to see a tom and 5 hens RUNNING toward the dekes. The turkeys came within 10 yards of the blind, but they worked around our South side (where we couldn't get a shot ). Here he is in the thick grass...laughing at us When they wandered off we ditched the blind and went after them run'n'gun style. We were able to get in their path, but only the hens got close enough, the tom stayed 60 yards away. We went back to the truck and gathered our thoughts. After some rest we went after him one more time. We walked into the same area and Zach hit his call, and we heard a gobble in the distance. We worked toward it as close as we dared and set up the blind and dekes. He stareted responding pretty well to the calls and we could tell he was getting closer. About 20 minutes later Zach spotted him on a hill about 80 yards away. He hit the call, the tom spotted the dekes, and he began to close the gap. He walked toward us with a cedar tree inbetween us the whole time. When he finally stepped out from behind the tree, he was at 20 yards and I thwacked him. He immediatly flopped over and was dead within seconds. It was an awesome hunt Stats Beard: 8 5/8" Spurs: 1 1/2" & 1 1/4" Weight: 24 lbs. Your score is 24 + 15 + 12.5 + 17.25 = 68.75 Check out these hooks
Will i couldnt be happier for you!!! Big big congrats and fine shooting bud!! Zach, cudos to you for putting him on a fine bird. staying persistance was a good move boys!! Will,,,,love the hat
Great start for the team Will. And thanks Zach!! I'll be after em again next weekend. The weather is supposed to be MUCH better than it was this week. IT SUUUUUCKED THIS WEEKEND!!!!!