Never shot a turkey with a bow, so I am wondering what are some of the best broadheads for killing turkeys? I have shot a million with my shotgun but never with my bow so any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, KC
Really your broad head you use for deer hunting will work. Shot placment for quick kill is key. I have used both rage 2 and 3 blade with body and head shots. This year I will be using Rocket meat seaker 3 blade
I've lost like 4-5 birds with Rages, some on High Def video that when shown to others everyone assumes dead bird (tracked for over 600 yards lol)... I'm done body shooting turkeys. I've switched to Magnus Bullheads. Cut the head off and watch them fall or miss and watch them leave. No inbetween. I will say regardless of arrow, hit them HIGH. Hit em high, watch em die. Hit em low, watch em go...
I shot my turkey last year with a Razor Trick [Slick Trick COC] however he did go aways before dying. I think I'll try those Magnus Bullheads this year. Guess I'll just have to lower the camo netting in the blind.
I don't turkey hunt, but I figure this would do the trick. Flying Arrow Archery » Tom Bomb 125 grain?Red with Chisel Tip
I used the Spitfire Edge last year. It pounded mine last year. Proper shot placement like everything you hunt is key but I believe the New Archery Products Spitfire head is great because of the three blades. The Gobbler Getter is very similar but with a blunt tip. With a turkey, you generally don't want the passthrough because you are looking for a hard hit and let the broadhead do it's work inside the bird. Have had great luck with NAP's heads.
The gobbler getter from NAP is great. Transfers a ton of the arrows KE into the bird. Shot mine last year at 5 yards with a 70 lb. Hoyt CRX and the arrow stayed in the bird! As always shot placement is key. Aim above the drummies for the vitals. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If you use something like killzones or rages, or even fixed blade heads, turn your poundage down to try and prevent pass throughs. They also make a little metal thing that your head slides into and then screws into the arrow securing it, has 3-4 hooks that help grab the bird and stop your arrow, my shop has them but don't remember what they are called or who sells them. For higher poundage the nap gobbler getters work great. They really knock the bird down and stay stuck in the bird.