ok for the tiller when i back the draw bolts out even ,the distance between the string and limb is different by about a 1/16 " is that normal ? I turned the top in and the bottom out a 1/4 turn to make the string the same distance top and bottom..I will check again but i think the 7 o clock vane is right at the edge of the black whiskers. I have quite a bit of distance between my vanes and the cables and sliders. I will see if i can get a pic of the wb so you can see how it is going through it ..
You'd have to ask Hoyt or consult your owner's manual but the difference may be intended to offset the fact that you're not drawing from the center of the string. Max the bolts out top and bottom then back them out evenly and see if this solves your problem. You may be setting the tiller even and throwing the thing off by correcting something that is designed to be the way it is.
the manual said that they should be even .. i have tryed it with the bolts backed out even and its the same.. so i evened them out and it didnt change the shooting at all.