I haven't had to tune a bow in some years, and after installing new sights and a rest, I am having problems. I am dead nuts accurate at 15 and 25 yds, but when I step back to 35 or 40 my arrow is almost 11 inches to the right and down about 4 inches. Anyone else ever experienced this type of erratic arrow flight? my luck I will get out opening day and have the buck of a lifetime about 36 yards away!
Give us some specs on your bow, arrows, point weight etc. You'll likely have to adjust your rest and/or point weight. You can go to easton & download thier tuning guide. It's one of the best sources of information out there.
older High Country Excalibur Left handed w/70lb. draw beman 29" carbon w/ 100gr. tips whisker biscut dead nuts sight