my name is wes and i want to get started in bow fishing this year was my first year bow hunting it was grate shot two deer i am 13 it was not easy lots of work but fun work so now i just need to no the stuff to put on a parker youth 55 pownd bow so if their are any tips let me no thanks,wes:d
Congrats on the deer! Is the parker your hunting bow? Get an AMS retriever reel, at least two decent bowfishing arrows and a bowfishing rest. That pretty much will get you set up. Read this too:
Yeah, you might want to think twice about using your hunting rig for bowfishing. They can take a beating. Get a little wet too.
There are some pretty good bow fishing kits around. You can either look at a kit complete with a bow or just get a kit that has everything except the bow, these can be used on just about every bow. Have a look at your local bow hunting shop they should be able to help. Good luck.
Agreed! If you're going to do any amount of bowfishing, your bow is going to take a beating. IMO, your better off buying a cheap bow and a cheap reel, rather than buying a fancy bowfishing setup to put on your hunting bow. Hit the pawn shops, check the classifieds in your local paper, garage sales...these are all good places to find good cheap bowfishing bows. Also, by not using your hunting rig to bowfish, you'll be able to hit some 3-D shoots over the summer.