I recently purchased a trophy taker arrow rest and have been very happy with its performance UNTIL I noticed, after only one month of shooting, that the rope that lifts the launcher off the shelf is frayed to the point that it is about to break. The rope goes through a very abrasive hole in the rest before it attaches to the cable. Is this a common problem w/ this rest? What can I do to fix this besides changing cord once a month? If this is a common problem why hasn't Trophy Taker corrected a design flaw? Please help
I have one also and have had my bow going on 4yrs and I replaced mine one time... The way they attach isnt a very good system is it? Is it fraying right by the hole?
i have a trophy taker also and usually have to replace the pull rope about once a year. it will depend on how much you shoot throughout the year as to how long it will last. i shoot all year so it gets a good bit of use. it's definitely something that Trophy Taker should consider improving on future models but all in all their rests are tough as nails.
I just started shooting one about two months ago. I haven't noticed anything yet, I better check when I get home.
My buddy had one and did not like it. Rest was fine, he wanted a whisker bis. rope never showed any signs of wear
Rest I had a used one that a guy used for a while and i only used it on practice shooting before i went back to a biscut. I had not problems with it while I had it.