My first buck was a me. It was a bb. lol. The next day, my dad had shot at a buck, and it ran my way. stopped right in front of me, and I shot that one too. It had one antler. 2 points! lol Up there, you take what you can get. But I really haven't "tried" to be a trophy hunter. All of my deer have been trophies to me. I work hard to get them.
the more I leaned toward trophy hunting, the less deer I killed (which I was OK with), but the bigger problem was being selfish about my spots and hunting by myself too much. As I grow older, I realize the group hunts with family or buddies are what I look forward to the most...and it's just fun to have a deer in the tree, some beers, and thinking "that sucka didn't get away" Just have Fun...