This may have already been discussed, but coming from someone who since 2016 has had law involved in over 10 trespassing cases on my property, look into if your state recognizes purple paint marking just as posted. Posted signs can be taken down, I know I had numerous ones ripped down...paint is not easily removed LOL. I post signs low, and high and purple paint trees and fence posts - try to refreshen every season too. I've grown so sick of it finally the only thing which has seemed to deter some issues is I've slapped a 4x4 post in the ground and the main trespassing arteries leading into the property with a plastic high quality no trespassing sign, a dummy trail camera (screwed into the post) and then hung a real camera a few trees away up high to where you need a climbing stick to reach it. This sucks doing by the way BUT the visual of the camera and the post and the sign seems to have kept nearly everyone at bay or sends a message the property has cameras and they slide back away. I keep waiting to get images of someone trying to rip the camera off the post but fingers crossed I don't - but if I do I pray I get a clear image of them. Stinks having to commit cameras to non-deer reasons but I've already decided next year there are 4 more of this exact situations happening on my place and a farm we have permission to hunt but deal with trespassing. Could do more if I can scrounge up one or two more non functioning cameras for the dummy ones. *Make sure to put batteries and a bad or cheap SD card in the dummy cam so they "think" it is working. I've contemplated even buying antennas for some of the dummy cams to make folks think they're cell.
Did I go down to pick up extra doe tags and parked right behind a truck that looks just like the one I saw in field. right down to blk. molding. I got a Really good the guy getting into his truck. I have to find out if my discription matches neighbors sons...a Reddish beard, pretty unmistakable so we'll see.
Holy hell How did you read that!? Not the best typist but not as bad as these have been I refuse to buy a new device...I just need to check posts Fixed this one 3 times before sending...
Seriously, most times other than fat finger flubs everything is right. I hit send , and move on, to come back to crazy funny I go to edit and correct word is first one on list....hhmmmm. Sometimes it's so distorted even I have to think about what I typed.... You guys are so good!