Have someone take a hang on stand but left the rapid rails under the tree. Had cards stolen out of cameras. Last year one of our shotgun hunters had someone walk within 50 yards of him with no orange on drop his gun and run off! Tresspassers suck!
HAH! I got one for ya! this past summer i was hanging stands and a guy came walking out of the woods 30 yards from me holding my trail camera in his hand! boy was THAT ever interesting......i am normally a pretty calm unassuming guy.....but when i saw that......well lets just say I did NOT call the cops but I'm fairly positive he dropped a load a manure in his drawers and I dont think he will be back anytime soon....
gotten 2 pics of a neighbors uncle shed hunting on our side of the fence. He was encouraged by the owners of the property to stay on their side. never had anything stolen to date.
Best thing you can do right there. At least then, the cops will have an idea on where to start looking.