2 weeks ago I made a kill in my treestand. I think it is in a great spot and, I think these deer travel that same route about every 3 days. In your opinion(s)is it too soon to go back to that stand?
Am I missing something? Two weeks ago (Feb 24ish) you made a kill on a deer and are wanting to know if it is too soon to go back in there now? How long is the deer season in VA? As GMMAT stated, if you are careful with your scent control measures, I believe you can hunt sets multiple times without a problem. I have killed deer out of the same stand back-to-back days several times.
I killed a doe and a buck in October out of the same tree. It was about 3 weeks apart. My cousin also killed a doe between my 2 kills. Trust in the scent control and play the wind. On a side note...END OF MARCH!?! :huh:
I shot a doe out of a stand in a funnel one evening. Went back 2 days later and whacked another one out of the same stand. In fact I killed 4 out of the 6 deer I killed this year out of that stand. I knew they traveled that route very often and I could only hunt it on a south wind in the evening. I never saw much change in deer movement from hunting it often.
Nah, 2 weeks ago? no problem. Play the wind if possible. I wouldn't be in their every single day. But it's been 2 weeks and probably has rained several times which will wash away any scent you left behind. Like the previous posts, strike while the iron's hot, but don't burn yourself.
Unless someone was incredibly sloppy in and around the normal travel route of these deer,I can't imagine a two week absence wouldn't be sufficient to have them not resume their normal patterns.With the normal precautions for scent control and hunting the right wind.