Found the location I wanted to move a stand to today, it's in a huge walnut tree that forks several times for good cover.....only problem is it's too big to get sticks on. There are a few other trees close but with way less cover and either right on top of the trail (creek crossing) or too far away. So is screw in steps the only option? Suggestions....
Thought that, but it's right on the creek bank. Field it would be facing the wrong direction. I could cross the creek but that takes me out of range of the travel in the field?
Seriously, I've used an old aluminum ladder and a hang on stand in this situation. It wasn't that far of a walk from the vehicle and the ladder was light. Carried it all in at once. My stand was only about 12' up though.
Can you use steps to get partially up in the tree and then switch to your sticks where the tree is narrower? Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
If your setting up and leaving the sticks you could use ratchet straps. If your are needing to stay mobile you can add length to your straps on the sticks. I added length to my LW sticks by attaching climbers/linemans robe to them.(use the good stuff) Just make sure you practice in the yard and research the correct knots to use. I have had to do this to get up some Cypress trees here in the SC swamps. Good Luck!
Yeah Its legal, it's on private land. I also remembered I have an extra ladder extension that I might try....thanks for the input.
You can use screw-in steps down low and assuming the tree has a taper the higher you get switch over to sticks. That’s what I do.
Two of my platform stands have home made 2x4 ladders to get up in them. Not recommended for every stand but if its the only way up go for it.