My cousin and I have been going back and forth about where to hang our final tree stand we have. I want to hang it in a classic funnel that from what cameras showed last year, had 5 shooters coming through in daylight and tons of does and little bucks during daylight hours. The problem is this spot is hard to get to and I will only hunt it during late October and November. He would rather hang it on a field which deer feed in but we aren't sure where they come out. He also says he doesn't want to have a stand we can't hunt until late October. What does everyone think? Hang it in a thick funnel or over a field?
How many other stands do you have? Why not compromise and hang it in the field for the first 3 weeks and then move it to the funnel.
If it were me.....I'd have other spots to hunt early and hang it in the funnel now......OR.....just halfs on a new stand (25-50 bucks each) and have both.
If buying another stand is not an option I agree hang it on the field until October 1 then move it to the funnel
I'd buy a cheaper one for the early season stand as you will spend more continuous hours in the funnel stand during the rut.
I agree. You can get a decent stand for $50.00-$100.00. If nothing else buy it yourself if he doesn't want to go in and hang it in he field area so that you have the other stand where you want it.
Buy climbing sticks and be mobile with that Lone Wolf set-up. Or just buy a used climbing stand off e-bay or something. Do not let something like this dictate where you set up. That is a plan that will doom your hunts and positive mindframe. Good luck.
I would rather hunt from the ground and be spontaneous as compared to being bound by only "having" to hunt one stand. Hunting from the same stand over and over=mucho scent. The deer will catch on pronto.
I used to have about 12 stands that I would have hung in the summer for diferent winds and times of the year. Now I have 2 stands pre hung on a farm I hunt close to a bedding area. 95% of the time I'm useing my summit climber or the lone wolf with sticks. I have never liked to scout in season, so I scout alot in the winter and spring and move to the sign as the season progresses, most of it is very close to what was there last fall. I would never leave a lone wolf stand in the woods, thats a pricey stand to hunt a few times a year. I would start at the field spot and move the stand towards the funnel as the pre rut comes in. I'm assuming here, that you and your cousin are young guys do to the fact that your coopin your stands. I wish I could go back to those days with my brother you can really hunt a property effectively with another good hunter rotating with you thru your stands. This season watch the sporting good stores at the end of season they will try to dump this years stands for cheap thats when you buy your stands. Good luck and keep us inform as how it works out.