I usually have no issues with talking to people first and trying to resolve situations. But when someone owns a bunch of land, and for some weird reason feels like they have to go over the fence and set up a stand on someone elses land it just doesn't make any sence. They obviously don't respect you if they are going to tresspass on your land without trying to talk to you first. Also, why not just keep the stand on your property. It's only a few feet difference. If the guy is sitting in your property, he is most likely hunting your property too. And that is illegal and just dumb. To me that is no different than driving a truck down a road and shooting deer from your truck, or shooting animals with other peoples tags or not having one.
Find out who owns the neighboring property, by that i mean go to your county records office, then contact that owner.. there are a lot of disputes on property lines kind of where the fence line and the property lines are not always the same. start off with a call before starting a war. there are people that own ground from another county or state that might tell a friend or relative they can hunt the ground that dont know the lines yet. I own ground that my fence is setback on my ground so i can work on both side of the fence for maint. doesn't make the ground on the other side of the fence someone else's.
JayB, How do you know this person owns "a bunch of land"? It says he didn't know who put the stand up. If you were in the other Land owners place, you would want to be contacted. I would. I totally agree that whoever put the stand up, should have at least (at very least) gained permission first. Without seeing the set up, you or I could not say if there were another tree to set up in. My point is that by seeking out the landowner and trying to come to a mutually beneficial understanding, you may just gain an ally in keeping trespassers off your property. If you take the adversarial approach from the get-go, you will lose much. Including the chance to recover deer that cross this line. If on the other hand the person turns out to be a jerk, you have lost nothing. You can then take the stand down, cut the tree...or whatever with the knowlege that you did all you could to keep it from coming to that. Just my 2 cents and how I would try to handle it. BTW for those of you who would take the stand, be prepared to start watching your stuff dissapear. Because more than likely that is what would start happening.
You do have some good points there. I guess I shouldn't just assume that it is the neighboring land owner that put up the stand. But I dont think you would cause any issues with the land owner, if in fact it wasn't him that had the stand up, by taking the stand down and putting it back on his side of the fence. I guess I'm just short on patience for these situations after having too many city people tresspassing where I hunt, and hunters from the city hunting there too without permission and stealing our cameras.
I understand. We all tend to look at situations from our own experiences. Sounds like your situation is tough. Sorry to hear that.
most fences were put up to keep cattle in, some of my true boundary's are off by 40 or more feet where terrain and fences are a compromise when the fences were built and then some of the land was sold over the centuries,surveyed and marker drove into the ground at the corners you may need a metal detector to find them. what i am saying is before you make a permanent enemy of a neighbor get the facts. :D
stand thanks for all the advice and ideas. I choose to place a note on the stand with my name and phone number just asking the person who owns the stand to contact me. So , we will see what happens. Thanks again.
This has worked, but then i get the tresspassers who thing they can just on the property and sit in one of mine.
Wow, great answer! Not human nature to do the right thing some times. Our land in Michigan we know all our neigbors, some are very cool and we get together with them, some aren't and we stay away from. Good to know your neighbors one way or the other.
Scouting before season last year JAYPOPE and I found a ladder over but near the line we left a note on the back of a posted sign when we went back around mid season it was gone
take it for your keep. Or leave a note tellin him to come get who to call andwhere to come that u have some GREAT words for him.
or if its a lock on or climber cut the cables or chains half way threw so when he gets half way up the tree. He will no better lol HAHAHA
NO NO NO. I dont agree with trespassers at all but I also dont agree on intentionally hurting someone like this.