Just wondering how other hunters would handle this problem. Walking my 80 I found a tree stand located on my side of the fence, about a foot from fence line, but the ladder to the stand is on the other side of the fence. I don't know who put the stand up, I can only assume a nieghbor ( who I don't know) placed it there. I don't wont to be a jerk about it, but geee. I was wondering why I didnt see deer ever coming down the trail where he placed it. Cut the tree down, LOL ?????:
You can always take the stand down and put it back on his side of the fence. Where we hunt we boarder onto a big city and have tresspasers walking around the private property that we hunt all the time. We have had trail cameras get stolen. We also have pictures of another hunter walking around the land. It sure is a piss off when you find someone hunting your land without any permission. Especially in your situation where he just seems to have to go across the fence. We plan on calling the Fish and wildlife next time we see the hunter out there and get him charged with poaching and tresspassing. I can't stand some peoples ignorance to rules and peoples property.
Take it down and lay it on his side and place a no tresspassing sign on the tree facing his property. Maybe they will get the hint and not retaliate if you dont take the stand.
Why start something? Why not find out who the landowner is and go speak with them about it? Maybe you guys can forge a friendship and ook out for each others land etc. You might have some things in common, maybe hunting for instance? Why is everyone so quick to judge our fellow hunters? Yeah, he put a stand on the line, something I don't agree with, but why try and make trouble out of the situation? There is little details like...How long have you been the land owner? Why don't you know the neighboring landowners? etc etc etc that should be answered before everyone is ready to be a jerk to the neighbor. I think knowing your neighbors, being on the same page and looking out for each others interests are valuable. They are to me anyway!
I would either do as they said about the sign or post a note on it with contact number to you and then you can meet him and talk about it.
talk to the guy who's land it's sort of on. it may be his and you don't want to start a battle. if he doesn't know who's it is, then i think it's yours . if it's his, just say ok you just wanted to make sure and let it go.
I'm with Licking Branch... It may be in best interest to talk to the neighbor... Possibly a future hunting buddy? Maybe get an extension on "Your" property lines for hunting? Get together with them, and see what you can work together on to benefit both of your hunting? Share. You learned it in kindergarten... lol What about the possibility that you may work out some plan for a large plot, or something... Plus, they are your neighbor! If they aren't bad people, they may be worth having on your side!?!! (keep your friends close, and your enemies closer) Then if it isn't that persons... You could work together to find out who's it is... lol
I'd take it down use a stick to prop the stand up right on the fence line and place a posted sign on the stand
Is it a matter of he,s on your tree or the fact that he,s potentially knocking one off your side or you would like him to just ask first.I would talk to the other land owner describe your ideas for your land if you will or will not allow other hunters,maybe he,s hunted there for years(are you a new owner or did this stand just show up) what ever you chose remember if you give him a stay off you should expect the same back hopefully all is good and you just got access to more acreage.Good luck.
I agree that you should talk to your neighbor first. If it's not his take it down and post a note with your number on the tree. If they want it back, they'll call. Then let them have IT.
Had a situation similar to this earlier in the year. Where the two property lines meet, was the edge of a cornfield (the neighboring property) and our woods. Along this field edge there was three stands in a row down the edge of our property line, some directly on the fence row, the others no more than 2-3 feet off. Now not only were these stands a bit of an issue, with us, but we had also been finding someone marking trails all through our woods. We assumed it was the same guy. We yanked down the stand that was directly on the line, no questions asked. The other two stands remain up as they are a few feet on their side of the line. They may however come down very soon as I've been told that the person hunting these stands was shooting across property lines and onto our side of the into the back yard of our rental house. The guy who rents watched the hunter shooting into the yard. After a few confrontations with the guy I decided to do a little research and I found out that he was arrested/fined for "Hunting property without permission" and "Hunting without permits" on two separate occasions. I've also found out by talking to this guy that he has shot 8 deer from these stands...wounded 7, only found 1. Some people are just idiots....
Who says that taking the stand down and leaving a note is confrontational or not neighborly? You could leave a note with your name and number asking the owner of the stand to call you. If it is the neighbor a relationship can be forged. You're not destorying the other person's property or taking it, just removing it from your property. My neighbors don't have a beef with me when I take their kids' toys off my lawn and move it back over to theirs.
Licking Branch nailed it. I am amazed at how many responses do not mention talking first. ??? Then if the person is a jerk, you can post the fenceline and enforce it.