While out on my first attempt at hunting (anything at all) I came across a few tree stands that appear to have been there for some time. What is the etiquette for using these stands? They were on public land. When setting up a stand, is there an etiquette to follow? I understand common courtesy of not setting one up in the same clearing. could I have used those stands if I had a harness?
there is etiquette and there is regulations. They do not always overlap. First thing to consider is safety. Are they in good shape? Appear sturdy? Any rust? no way in hell would I hunt out of a wooden tree stand that I didn't personally build In many states, if you are allowed to leave a stand overnight on public land you are required to clearly label your stand with PII. Is there that reg in your state; and if so was it followed? I would not want to get caught in an unmarked stand by the DNR if that's a regulation. Lastly, I have no qualms setting up a stand within sight of another stand set; especially if it looks like nobody has been there in a long time. Just do so with the knowledge there is a decent chance you may get a neighbor closer than you want. But I run that risk everywhere I hunt in MI as there is so much pressure. with so many people using climbers and portable set ups you are just as likely to be in someone's preferred spot/area regardless of if there's a permanent stand set up or not. I always look at hunting public land with a first come/first served mentality.
Regs or not, public or not, I'm not gonna hunt someone else's stand. And the simple reason is I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. Just my thoughts on the subject. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Totally understandable...but would you also be the type to leave your equipment out on public land? I'd be willing to guess no.
People use stands as deterants in some cases. I would not sit another man's set, but I would mark it on OnX sand figure out what made them choose that spot.
Those areas were at either ends of a clearing or above the slope to a small meadow. One had planted some soy and mint which is not legal for that area. They were all at the boarder of the public land about 300 yards from several large water spots that clearly had regular wildlife traffic. My thought is that its up during off season. I was hunting for Coyote. I would have no problem with some one using my stand in off season but I would be pissed to get to my spot in season and find some one in my tree. That'll cause an issue for sure. I'm hoping for a few more chances to head up there and try again. ALSO, what's OnX?
If they got there first, I dont understand what the issue would be? If your stuff is marked and its allowed to stay up a few days, and you had date and time stamped it, I could possibly get on board with it. But again, "early bird catches the worm" no? And OnX is a hunting map app. As well as Huntstand and a few others. You can mark areas on a map up to help plan and such. It allows you to download the maps so that you can use it while in airplane mode so your phone doesn't go off while hunting, but still allows you to gameplan with your mobile device. Beats carrying around a giant map on paper HAHA.
Ah, I figured but hadn't heard of it. I'm using HuntStand. Same thing with offline maps marking location etc. Hunting is SOOoOooo much more technical than fishing.
Some of those hunting spots are much like fishing spots. If you have a bunch of stands set up in an area and those guys are hunting the spot on the weekends and wrong times of the year, they may not see anything. But if you know when to hunt those spots and maybe do it mid week when the pressure is 4 to 5 days removed from a weekend, that can make all the difference in the world in seeing and killing deer on public land. So dont get too discouraged or concede an area based on someone's tree stand being up..most of the time they are left up bc people are too lazy to pack out every hunt. I dont want anyone seeing where I hunt.
I would never use someone elses stand without their permission ..... and when hunting a particular area/spot, its FIRST COME, First served ... if someone is in the area I want to be in, I will not hunt close by ... I hope the same from others ...
Agree 100%. While you don’t necessarily want to hunt someone else’s set it also isn’t fair to leave a stand out on public land and think you claimed the area. As another poster said, I wouldn’t sit in another persons stand as I have my own stuff but if I get to an area I like and there is a stand with no one in it I will set up right in that area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So what if the stand is there and you want to hunt that area but that hunter never came back. Would you not set up your stand in that area?
Here in our area it drives me crazy every year,and I don't even hunt public, flagging. Guys go around the state lands putting up surveying tape along the road to warn other hunters off areas...the dang tape in various colors is everywhere starting a month before season. Though in all fairness....could be anti hunters doing this as well....
I don't think any logical person would fault you for hunting near an unoccupied stand on public ground, most understand public is first come first serve, but they may get pretty cranky if they found you actually in their stand. I would not sit in someone else's stand. Out here in redneck Idaho that would be a really good way to get into a fist fight or end up looking down the barrel of a gun. Guys around here would be more forgiving if they caught you in bed with their wife than they would if you were in their stand. Hunting around here, and especially elk hunting, is considered very serious stuff. I would however hunt a spot on public land that had an unoccupied stand on it, but not the stand itself, but first would look around to be sure that the stand wasn't near a salt lick (illegal here, and there are no naturally occurring ones so if you find one it is for sure man made). I pack my own climber to use. I only use it on public when elk hunting, I cable lock it so it doesn't walk away and so that I'm the only one that can use it. Thankfully I hunt private for whitetail.
This 100% I am to the point now, if I found you in my stand I would be bummed but its public land so you can't say anything... In the past I feel like I would have let it ruin my day. I personally would never climb in someone's stand but like Fix said, I sure as heck would be figuring out why that person thought it was a good spot and using that for my own advantage. And to answer your question about that person possibly never coming back to the stand.. I would still never hunt that spot until that stand is gone or falling over etc. There are plenty of other great spots in the woods. Another thing I have done is leave notes. Honestly I never thought it would have worked as well as it has, but it has worked great for me. You can connect with the person, work around each other or with each other... the more communication the better.
I didn't even think to check if they were tagged or think to leave a note. I was out there during the off season for the sole purpose of reducing predator numbers. I think if some one saw me in their stand area during that time they were there for the same reason or poaching. The stands were in perfect spots that I had scouted using the maps. I stayed in those areas for a while and could clearly see why they chose those areas. I will be heading back there in a few weeks and will use notes to communicate. Thanks for that suggestion. I also have the misfortune of being afraid of heights so I'm not sure at all how I would do in a tree stand.
I see sitting in another person's stand as being akin to sleeping with another man's wife; it will end up more trouble than it is worth when you get caught. That said, do as others suggested, figure out why that stand is there and hunt the spot in your on stand or on the ground. Last year I walked out from a good morning sit to find a guy sitting on the side of the trail about 200 yards from the tree I was in. It was his first time in that spot and he didn't know it well. But, he knew from my vehicle that I had beat him in there so he stayed near the road, not wanting to walk in on me. For his courtesy, I showed him a trail about 150 yards further down that the deer used to cross the dirt track. He hadn't seen anything all morning. However, I saw five deer, four of which were not legal bucks and I didn't have a shot at the one doe that came by. I told him that I had seen deer without a shot opportunity. I wasn't coming back to that spot for a couple of weeks, so I told him he was welcome to go scout and set up in there. I take my stuff out every time, so he wouldn't be able to find my exact spot. However, he respected my hunt, so, I pointed him in the direction of a better one.
He who dares wins. I wouldn’t sit in there stand but if they aren’t there, I wouldn’t have a problem setting up right next to that. it’s public land you don’t get to call dibs. If they are there then I will be respectful of their space but if not present it’s fair game. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree 100%. If somebody leaves a stand I don't take it like it's their spot. Most of the left over stands I find are years old anyway and nobody ever uses them. I have had guys move in on me in public land while sitting and I just avoid conflict, pack up and move.