Yeah that's right. Just stopped by our local public land this morning to check it out and ran into some property management. Talked with them a bit and noticed they had a flatbed piled high with tree stands, ladders and climbing sticks. I asked them what that was all about and they said every spring they go through and remove all the stands left up after season. If there isn't any contact info to send a ticket to for leaving stand up too long past season, they just throw it on the pile and take them to the scrap yard. They said the state wont let them sell them or auction them off. I tried to offer to buy their trailer load of scrap metal but to no avail... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
That’s got to make ya sick! How many thousands of dollars is going to be sold for pennies in scrap! Sounds more like something Illinois would do.
So it's the states fault that the hunters cant follow the rules and take their stands down after the season...yea ok
What's the state supposed to do with used treestand? Sell them? Give them away? Think of the libabity they take on doing that.
Negative, on the scrapping part, at least around here they auction it off. Auctions include stands left in after season, removed from private property and posessions seized from poachers and conservation violators. Not sure how often they have them or what prices items go for, but anything from trail cams, fishing poles, atv's to trucks and boats/trailers. As for the OP, I'd ask them what scrap yard they take them to and contact the scrap yard. Of they get them pennies on the dollars, I'd bet they would be willing to get some dollars for pennies. Unless something in their dealings/contract forbids them selling it for profit or something
I'm not blaming the state for anything or upset. Just disappointed that's the only option they feel they have anymore. This liability bullcrap is so far out of hand. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Although there were a couple pretty nice stands I could pick out of the pile, a majority were old trashy stands. They said most guys leave them because it's cheaper to go buy another junk stand to hang up the next season instead of paying the ticket for leaving the stands up. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Do you guys think these guys don't have family and friends? As Joe would say...come on man!!! It's like cash you turn into cops as a lost and found....
Hell, they even sell the deer heads at auction during the state fair. Took a few to find the posts I remembered seeing at some point.
Holy cow! I need to make a trip over the state line to one of those auctions! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Not sure how iften they have them or if locatioms change, and as stated I'm not sure how competitive bidding is so may not be much better than craigslist etc. Might be silent bidding so not sure, never been. Here was the treestand pic from above post on auction. A little bit of selection
Interesting. Tennessee used to auction off firearms and vehicles seized for game violations. Heard one story about 50 years ago. A fellow was caught trying to sneak past a checking station. Officer stopped him and checked his truck. Had a doe hidden behind the seat (this was in the days before four door trucks or extended cabs). Buck only season! Officer wrote a citation and seized the truck, which was new BTW, and his firearm. When the guy asked about the truck and firearm, the officer said he could buy them next summer at the state auction.
cls74, I know DNR in Illinois sells them. Been to the auction at Lake Shelbyville. Besides, I worked for them for 31 years. I understand stands are someone’s property and valuable. I don’t leave mine out on private property past season. Rules are......rules. Remove them or lose them. I doubt in Indiana goes out the day after season and pulls stands.
They actually gave guys til the end of January to get them out even though technically they are supposed to be out on the 1st. Dont blame DNR for discarding of them, dont follow the rules you lose you stuff. Keeps trash and clutter out of the place as well Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
The MN DNR has an auction going on right now with every kind of hunting accessory you could think of (from offenders being caught and getting possessions confiscated). Couple decent items to bid on actually. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's all good, didn't even pay attention to where you are from When I seen "seems like something IL would do", while I agree, I just wanted to point out one thing that IL does that actually makes sense and remembered seeing their CPO page promoting their selling of seized equipment/gear rather than pitching it. Apologies if you thought I was combative in my response.
Most of the Indiana FWA have rules that say ALL TREESTANDS must be removed no later than 10 days after the end of the regular season (1st Sunday in Jan.) and can not be put up until noon Set. 15th ..... after that any stand can be removed by the DNR ... while I will admit, some times weather makes it tough to get back in in Jan. to remove a stand, but if that is the case, take the damn thing down the last time you hunt it ... dont hog up an area and abide by the rules .... I'm glad I backpack in my LW/Sticks every hunt and rotate thru nearly 40 stand locations on two different areas ... those that leave them up intentionally hogging areas from one season to the next deserve to lose that stand IMO and receive a ticket from the CO, hell, many dont even put their names on 'em for that reason ... those are the slob hunters out there ...