That's a great question. I can give you advice for set up from being a victim of trespassing thieves. At this point in time, I am setting my TrophyCams about 15 ft up a tree with no branches and angling them down. Theory being,this is how we hunt deer from stands and the height gets us out of the deer's focus of sight. It's amazing how well it dupes trespassers. I will also be experimenting with setting them inside of hollow logs and hiding them on the ground amongst cover. Who ever looks on the ground for a trailcam???
X2 good info. I run some cams low to the ground and it works ok i get alot more small game like raccoon's and squirrels and possums on cam sometimes bumping the cam or leaving there muddy feet on the lens makes for some funny pics. I set alot of cams with my step ladder with a ez-cam mount so i can point the cam down also and works great for all the reasons mentioned. One thing you should find out is your cams trigger speed will make the cam work better over a bait pile or scrape or even a trail either down or across will depend on the cams trigger speed and you can find out on trail cam review sites.. the slower the cam the more you are going to need to place the cam where it looks down a trail so then the ladder will get the cam out of the line of sight of the deer so the less chance of spooking deer the better. I am in the midwest i find my cams tend to be set up facing the north east away from the sun here and i go into the area like i am going to hunt,rubber boots micro fiber undergarments gloves and i spray my stuff down from the cam and the tree and touch as little underbrush as possible...just me i may be to careful but it's leftover from my trapping days. Last thing is if it's raining i can be found in the woods setting up cams or picking up sd cards you can do this with rain in the forcast as well. I have a trail cam bag packed with pruning shears,tree saw, tape,acorn scent,vanilla scent,and raccoon urine. lots of small black bungee cords for strapping on cams and brush around cams. Lots of AA batterys and formatted sd cards There is alot more to learn for me and these are a few tips just thrown out there.. good luck
My cam's fastest settings it has are 3 pics a minute, and it seems like I lose a lot of action. I don't want to take vids, because it would be pointless to me. As the deer season comes to a close, and the deer have lost pretty much all their antlers, what other animals would be fun to get pics of?
I try never to put mine in a place that you would expect human traffic. ie. logging roads, easily accessable trails and etc. Not saying they are completely safe in remote areas but it sure ups your odds. I also bring them in during mushroom and firearms seasons. Blessings........Pastorjim
Big difference in trigger speed and recovery time of the cam vs interval in which the cam is set to trigger...some cams have burst in which the cam takes a set amount of pics when first triggered ie.1-9 pics then waits for next inter-vile of time that the cam was set for to be again triggered. Pastor makes some fine points also. Just me but i would not have a cam without it there is a lot of info your missing.
Not only do I use the video mode more often, but the adition of audio is a cool bonus. I like to setup on scrapes most of all.