I will start it off... Eagle pic Buck shedding velvet Albino deer Piebald deer Lightning strike Arrow entering deer I shoot Badger Bobcat Pileated Woodpecker (check)
Kill shot for sure Mountain lion 200"+ deer Buck shedding his antlers in front of the camera Bucks fighting on camera in video mode Sent from my pocket computer using Tapatalk
I'd say a kill shot would be pretty high on the list. I would also like to capture a fox on cam. I've seen plenty of them but one has never walked in front of my cams. In my part of Indiana there's just not that many unusual animals Blessings.......Pastorjim
So far this year, i'm still aspiring to get a mature buck on my cams. No shortage of does, which i hope will mean good things during the rut, and several young bucks. also getting frequent pics of turkey, bear and bobcat, with the occasional coyote. but the number one thing is a fisher - i've only gotten one grainy nighttime shot so far.
>NOT< this: http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?35222-Dude-looks-like-a-lady&highlight=bikini
I would like to get a picture of a 170" plus buck that is a clear enough picture to blow up and put it in a nice frame for the wall. And then be able to harvest him, and put the mount right. Next to tha picture. And then I want to get a tattoo of him. Not asking too much am I?
noticed you had one of these on your list, found a big hole in the back yard so i decided to throw a camera up to see what was using it and was very surprised to find him
I'm new to the camera thing this year so I have a long ways to go... big Droptine buck Bobcat Wolf Bear Mt Lion
175+ inch buck shedding velvet (sequence), 200 inch deer, don't want mt. lions around so not those, 2 bucks fighting, and kill shot.
thanks i have a few more pics of him one hes got something in his mouth it almost looks like a opossum