I remember hearing about all these bucks... But it's nice to put a face with a name. Sure was an active scrap there!
I had 4 cameras out this year. One got eaten by a bear, which I should know better not to put a box on it. The others had mostly does and small bucks on them, except for a few decent ones below. It was a weird year all around last year. A lot less good buck sightings and lots more wolves. Pretty good buck in velvet. Here he is hard horn. Couple other velvet bucks. Smaller buck. A few that need a bullet....Canis Lupis.
If I'm not mistaken Schultzy, I think Justin and Mike have some hunts featured in the new WKP video. Hence the REAL reason I ordered it.
Correct. Justin, Mike, my buddy Johnny and myself lease the land together. JZ's film was used in WKPs latest video, Full Circle.